Lotus knows we had a lot of fun!

DominopointDay 09

  • 3 commenti
Last week we had our own gathering with the Italian Lotus user group dominopoint into the event called Dominopoint Day 2009 and lotus knows we had a lot of fun! You'll have to wait for another post to read how successful the event has been and what we have done here in Milan.

In the meantime, here is the teasing trailer:

3 Commenti:

  • #1 Francesco Paolini 11/25/2009 10:41:27 AM

    lotus sa... e quello che non sa, CHIEDE!

  • #2 Fabio Pignatti 11/25/2009 8:33:47 AM

    Molto carino! Attendiamo con ansia il video definitivo!!!

  • #3 franziska 11/25/2009 3:11:24 AM

    Thank you for inviting me to Dominopoint Day, I had a lot of fun and am in awe of you guys pulling together such a HUGE event. LOVE the above video, blog post about my experience at { Link }

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