Lotus Quickr version 8.0 fix pack 1

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Recentissimo il rilascio del Fix Pack 1 per la R 8.0 di Quickr.
Image: Lotus Quickr version 8.0 fix pack 1
Potete scricare le diverse versioni del FP a questo link:

 Ecco un estratto delle fix più importanti:
SPR Description
BACY75WLT9 Date of attached file is wrong when viewed w/ IE if Quickr Server is set to Danish time/date
XZSU75P9VW Cannot restrict user to add comment but not able to create blog entry.
SORA75WQNS Calendar invites: ICS file not proc right. Sent as std email with attach - no accept/decline buttons
JCHU75EAPM L10N : Create place doesn't work for French Language
JSDZ75T9QH After translation, "Edit" cannot work correctly in wiki page.
TCHU764JR7 L10N : User management layout problem for DBCS
TCHU75CAMA L10N : Translated strings "Click for Page Menu" in nquickplacers.dll, not displayed in UI
JCHU762G8Y L10N : Create Custom Theme: action buttons wrap when text too long
N/A Fixes layout alignment issue when customizing forms in a non-English install.
RTIN75NGK2 Quickr sending sensitive information to browser
RELS75G33F Quickr crashes while authenticating
TCHU72YMXN Blog and Wiki form names not translatable, plus other duplicate translation issues
THES74MF8D Cannot decorate after upgrade from 7.0 to Quickr
DPBM75NGEX Quickr: Server crash: load qptool upgrade -a
EECC74C9DY RSS feed doesn’t work on blog in Turkisk
YHZN6YUD4X Offline encryption on works when set in place UI, not server-wide
LZHG74AKWZ Adjustment needed - Connector did not support special characters
EECC726C5H Atom feed function failing on Mac
QCAO74CV72 NLC named pages cannot be shown in RSS in any folder
CPRE72SGUL One Space portlet fails in clustered environment
CPRE74LPPJ One Space portlet fails when port in PlaceCatalog is empty
JSDZ74C52S Create an NLC room from IE, causing Connectors problem
FYFY74A4KT Renaming file in Connectors with Japanese OS fails
LZHG74AKWZ Connector did not support special characters in attached file name
TCHU72YMXN Blog and Wiki form names are not translatable
XPLI74ED52 Connector: cannot create a document
PKAY74HRJN Java logging enabled
JHHO74EE3J Connector: replace an uploaded document with one with the same name
LZHG74EPJJ Stack problem workaround
PKAY73GLXS Connector showing wrong list of places for given user’s access
JHHO74EE3J Upload when overwriting a published document in ST
SSEI74ERHH Places and rooms incorrect in my places details
LZHG74BQLC Feeds console debug
KHUG74CATU Deletion access issues if editor tries to delete document locked by other user
JYYG74D4E7 Unix upgrade install
FYFY74A4KT Connectors on Japanese OS only, after renaming file it will disappear
KHUG74CATU Publisher can’t delete even if doc is checked out
YHZN749C53 Richtext editor insert image
6XPLI74BJJ iSeries: ifdefs for ostranslate

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