Messaggi di errore di autentica al server


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Capitano a volte dei messaggi di errore ai quali non è facile o immediata la soluzione. Non ricordo bene la fonte di questa informazione ma non me ne vorrà (l'autore) se la rendo disponibile in questa comunità:

Messaggi di errore di autentica al server
Error/Warning When is it displayed? What to do.
"The Server You Are Trying to Access Requires That Your ID File Have a Password." The ID being used has no password set. Set a password on the ID.
"You Have a Different Password on Another Copy of Your ID File and You Must Change the Password of This Copy to Match." The ID password does not match that in the digest field. Refer to Document #146653 for additional details.
"Server Error: Your Entry in the Server's Address Book Specifies That Authentication is Not Allowed." The Administrator has issued a Lockout ID for the ID / person. Contact the Administrator.
"WARNING: Your Password Will Expire on (date)"

Access to the server is granted.
This is the warning displayed after 3/4 of the required change interval. Change the password prior to the expiration date.
"Your Password Has Expired. You Cannot Authenticate to this Server Until You Change It."

Access to the server is granted.
The grace period has either expired or is set to zero days.

Warning displays when a user is trying to authenticate with the server after the required change interval has elapsed and during the grace period.

This error only appears after you have changed your password at least once since password checking was enabled.
Contact the Administrator and ask that your password be cleared, then change your password.
"You Must Change Your Password. It Expired on (date)"

Access to the server is granted.
After the required change interval has elapsed, but grace period is in effect.

Warning is only displayed if you switch IDs, switch Locations, select File - Tools - User ID, or you access the server. If you just start an R4 client, the client does not prompt you for the password or warn you that it will expire or is expired. The R5 client does prompt when the client is started.
If not past the grace period (which starts when the password expires), then change the password.
"Server Error: Your Password Has Expired."

Access to the server is denied.
When trying to authenticate with the server after the grace period has elapsed, or during the grace period if you have not changed the password since password checking was enabled.

If you have not changed your password since password checking was enabled, and you are in the grace period after the password has expired, you will not be able to access the server until you change the password.
Contact the Administrator and ask that your password be cleared, then change your password.

Note: Administrator clears Password Digest in Person document, user changes password, and user can then access server.

1 Commenti:

  • #1 yahya 04/03/2012 6:30:27 PM


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