Lotus Foundations 1.2 online

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  • 7 commenti
Oggi è uscita la release 1.2 di Lotus Foundations e tutti coloro che lo stanno utilizzando vedranno la nuova release apparire nella sezione Software Update...

Image:Lotus Foundations 1.2 release candidate online
Una volta scaricata ecco cosa viene dichiarto in questa nuova e tanto attesa release..più avanti

Version 1.2.0 Release Notes , March 16, 2010


This release is a major Core upgrade and contains a number of new features as shown below.

Version 1.2.0 #27 includes the following changes since 1.1.3 #4:

* NOTICE: Please note that Lotus Foundations Start 1.2 Add-ons requires the installation of the Lotus Foundations 1.2 release. In particular, if you are currently running either Lotus Foundations 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 releases, then Lotus Foundations Start 1.2 Add-ons installation on these core releases will fail.

* NEW: Starting with this release, IBM export control administration requires that Lotus Foundations Softupdate interaction comply with US export regulations. Specifically, this new policy requires Softupdate to verify that the end user and the location of the download are not prohibited from downloads by US export regulations. With this new policy, users must explicitly undergo a one-time registration process by clicking on the new "Registration" icon in the Software Update page in Webconfig before downloads can commence.

* NEW: This release contains the following idb enhancements:
     1) backups based on binary differentials and
     2) support for external attached idb Array enclosure connected via USB.

* NEW: This release contains support for the new Lotus Foundations Rescue Server which allows for remote idb backups. Now remote idb backups from multiple Lotus Foundations Start servers can be stored on a single Rescue Server off site.

* NEW: Windows interoperability has been upgraded with support for Windows 2008 Active Directory and limited support for Windows 7.
               Please see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21409287 for further detail on Windows 7 support.

* NEW: This release contains support for Tivoli CDP desktop backups from client PCs onto a Lotus Foundations appliance.

* NEW: The user management interface has been substantially rewritten and improved.

* NEW: This release contains a new Auto-Installer mechanism. It has a new UI, an enhanced dependency system and allows add-ons to be downloaded from the cloud.

* NEW: This release contains a new service called Remote Monitor. By enabling the Remote Monitor, an external Network Management System can be used to monitor the system services and vital system resources.

* IMPROVED: We have enhanced the algorithm for swap space generation to improve the performance of Domino running on Lotus Foundations.

* IMPROVED: This release contains support for field validation of domain name entries in Webconfig, which had been lacking in prior releases.

* FIXED: An issue with our IPSec implementation that would sometimes cause system crashes has been fixed.

* FIXED: A number of issues related to how we back up domain user IDs and passwords that had been causing lost domain membership info and generally poor system performance when the domain membership is large have been fixed in this release.

* FIXED: In prior releases, the Safari browser on both Macs and Windows displays a blank page when user tries to browse the backup pages on Webconfig. This issue has been fixed.

* FIXED: In prior releases, NetIntelligence would delete routes set by PPTP clients. This issue has been fixed.

* FIXED: A memory leak in the SMTP authentication mechanism has been fixed.

7 Commenti:

  • #1 Daniele Grillo 03/30/2010 9:12:06 PM

    Prima di fare upgrade dalla 1.1.3 aspettate se avete attivato NT domain ed usate l'ultimissima release 1.2a

    { Link }

  • #2 MircoT 03/26/2010 1:45:40 PM


    ora funziona... grazie.

    Ieri mi portava alla trial del Reach... boh.. :-D

    grazie di nuovo!


  • #3 Giuseppe Grasso 03/26/2010 1:07:24 PM

    MircoT: il link che ho postato a me sembra corretto, porta alla pagina di foundation start da cui si può accedere al folderino "trial" che ti manda a questa pagina:

    { Link } per il download.

    la trial di Foundations Reach (il sametime per foundations) è disponibile solo per la 1.1 ed è a quest'altra pagina:

    { Link }

    fammi sapere se è riesci a scaricare

  • #4 MircoT 03/25/2010 3:10:42 PM

    Giuseppe, il link che hai postato mi porta al download dell'addin Sametime per Lotus Foundations.

    Per altro anche partendo da ibm.com il link alla trial di Foundations mi porta in realtà alla trial di Sametime per Foundations...

    Conosci per caso un altro link alla "vera" trial di Lotus Foundations 1.2?


    Ciao. :-)

  • #5 Giuseppe Grasso 03/18/2010 11:57:44 AM

    Disponibile anche la versione Trial: { Link }

  • #6 Giuseppe Grasso 03/16/2010 11:34:57 PM

    qui le note di rilascio: { Link }

    e qui la documentazione: { Link }

    (non è una candidate, è quella vera!!)

  • #7 Daniele Grillo 03/16/2010 11:01:58 PM

    Per il mancato supporto di Windows 7 ho già espresso il mio parere al riguardo sul Wiki ufficiale di IBM dedicato a Lotus Foundations ( cmq credo che nelle release next lo integrino..ma speriamo a breve!)

    { Link }

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