Sono prestenti per le versioni:
R4.x => DSKTOOL4.exe
R5.x => DSKTOOL5.exe
R6.x => DSKTOOL6.exe
The script file should have one or more lines with the following formats:
For example:
Rename OldServer NewServer
Rename Server/OldOrganization Server/NewOrganization
Delete DeletedServer
Note: The server names can be specified as Server/Org.
If a server has hierarchy, it must be specified.
If a server name has any embedded spaces, a comma MUST be used to separate the old name and new name.
-Q (Q)uiet mode. Suppresses all messages.
-V (V)erbose. Shows files that were not changed as well.
-D Do not allow shut(D)own of the client.
-R Do not allow (R)estart of the client.
-? (H)elp. Display this.
Additional Notes:
If a server does not have a space, the old format will still work.
If a server name has a space, it should be followed by a comma.
i.e. All of the following are valid lines
Rename ServerOld ServerNew
Rename ServerOld with a space, ServerNew with a space new
Rename ServerOld with a space,ServerNew with a space new
- the file supports both native character sets and LMBCS
This can be run manually, or via a POST_OPEN db event using LotusScript and creating a scriptfilename to feed to the tool.
There are two known issues running the 6.x verion:
There are two known issues running the 6.x verion:
1. When deleting servers, you might receive a message "Modify location failed for Note xxxx because document has invalid structure".
This above message can be ignored.
2. Renaming works fine for bookmarks and workspace icons. However, deleting a server does not remove existing bookmarks but does remove the workspace icon.
This tools was designed for icon manipulation. Since bookmarks are a database and not a workspace icon, deleting the last server will not remove the entire bookmark entry.
1 Commenti:
Stiamo utilizzando l'utility per la R6, funziona e' veloce e comoda, ma non permette di selezionare solo alcune icone,e il processo di migrazione graduale che stiamo seguendo lo richiederebbe, qualche suggerimento?
L'ideale sarebbe poter specificare oltre il nome del db associato all'icona.