tra le novità di questa versione vi ricordo:
- Miglioramento delle performance del client
- Supporto autentica NTLM 2.0 x connesioni tramite proxy
- Nuovo template (DWA Ultralite) per visualizzazione webmail tramite iPhone
- Nuova versione di DAMO
Ecco il dettaglio delle fix e migliorie della Release 8.0.2
Notes/Domino 8.0.2 Preliminary Release Notice and Top 20 Fix List
August 22, 2008
IBM Lotus has selected Notes/Domino SPR's to be fixed in the latest 8.0.2 Maintenance Release. This notice serves as a Preliminary Fix List and Release Notice. All fixes in this release have been selected through our Triage process of high impacting customer requested bug fixes and are currently undergoing testing. IBM Lotus reserves the right to remove any fix from this targeted release if it does not pass quality assurance tests. Please consider this information to be provisional. Do not base irreversible business decisions on this information until the 8.0.2 Maintenance Release has been officially released.
The Notes/Domino Fix List website on developerWorks will show you the status of this release on the Upcoming Releases tab. This Preliminary Fix List and Release Notice may be updated to include a more descriptive explanation of the problem and fix, where applicable. Also, a link to the technote and regression information will be provided.
8.0.2 Performance Improvements and Features:
Several performance improvements have been added to Notes 8.0.2. Including an improved overall response time 15% across the board, startup time by 50% and reduced memory footprint by 20% compared to Notes 8.0.1.
The following new features have been added to this release:
- Domino support for Linux RH 5.1 with Domino 8.0.2 (LEI and DWA included).
- Added Linux platform support to the My Widgets and LiveText features.
- Upgrade to Keyview 10.4 on the client
- Provide users with the choice to use the Windows selection model, which is currently in Notes 8.0.1, or the classic Notes selection model, with the gutter.
- NTLM 2.0 support has been added to XPD 6.1.2. This allows Widgets, FeedReader, and other side shelf plugins to work with a Proxy server that supports NTLM 2.0.
- Provided support to open a Composite App from a local file system and CAE that does not require a server connection.
- Added the ability to prevent exporting of view data
- Added support for a public catalog of plugins and widgets
- Upgraded Productivity Editors to Symphony 1.0 Gold in Notes 8.0.2.
- Add the new method RichTextDocLink.RemoveLinkage which can be used on a doclink or hotspot link. In the case of a simple doclink, the link is removed. If the link is a hotspot link, removes only the linkage, leaving the text intact.
- Changed the default setting to Off for the nagle algorithm. (This will cause TCP_NODELAY to be set to On, on the socket connection.)
- A new version of DAMO is included in 8.0.2.
- Provided a new mode of Domino Web Access (DWA) which is targeted for the Safari Browser running on the iPhone (DWA Ultralite).
- Upgraded Data Direct ODBC v5.3 SP1 drivers to support new platforms, such as AIX 6.1 and in the future Windows 2008.
8.0.2 Preliminary "Top 20" Fix List:
- SPR# BFOS7C7UMS - A MCH3601, which is a pointer not set, can occur in the procedure ODSReadItem at statement 4 usually under the Router or Server task, but not restricted to the router or server task. The problem occurred because a small section of code was rewritten in this area for 8.0.1 and an additional check for a NULL pointer was needed. No workarounds are known at this time.
- SPR# CPON63XH2A - Added to the Notes browser support for HTTP NTLM based authentication scheme which allows the Notes browser to respond to HTTP server NTLM based authentication challenges.
- SPR# MBER6Z9MH8 - Fixed a crash that can occur under rare conditions while highlighting a Note. - This fix eliminates a faulty edge case allowing in memory position data to become corrupt and attempt to access invalid memory, causing highlighting to crash the Domino Server.
- SPR# BHAS5TW5EP - New Mail Notification popup brings the Notes Client from background to foreground. To realize this fix, you must use the Notes.ini variable "AlarmsDoNotTakeFocus=1". To display the window in a nonactivated state, use the Notes.ini variable "AlarmsTakeFocus=1", to reverse the behavior.
- SPR# JBAR7DKPJD - Using the Notes Standard client v8.0 & v8.01 on Windows XP Tablet edition may cause unpredictable crashes when deleting within a document. This problem does not occur when using the Basic client, nor any earlier Notes client version.
- SPR# MALN7DLQZB - Fixed intermittent Javascript errors which may occur when opening a chat, before the browser has finished opening the page. The error message displayed may be similar to: "Error: Object expected: line 0".
- SPR# RMAA7D9HAP - This fix prevents a crash on Domino for 64-Bit Windows platforms when adding a form to the form bitmap under certain conditions. The issue is limited to 64-Bit Windows only and requires that the "Optimize document table map" option be enabled on the database.
- SPR# CAOA6VB2W4 - Database property "% used" is calculated incorrectly (please note, a series of sprs were corrected for specific cases. If additional scenarios are uncovered, they will be investigated for a future release)
- SPR# CGMC7C9TGN - Fixed a server crash on the UPDATE task. This problem was due to some variables not initialized correctly on i5/OS.
- SPR# WHAM79BMUT - Newline separator in View column now correctly functions if text contains an umlaut or DBCS character. This regression was introduced in 7.0.3.
- SPR# RSSA7BXJYC - Fixed a DWA problem where an incorrect file was opened if attachments with the same name existed in some documents, and they were continuously opened. When the attachment was opened, the file was downloaded to the temporary directory in the client. At that time, the existing file with the same name in the temporary directory was not considered. This problem has been fixed and was a regression introduced in 8.0.1.
- SPR# RHAN6HXLVF - This SPR had two problems/Crashes. One was caused by an old fix that turned out to be a bad fix that was causing data corruption. The second problem was caused by Hotspots that were not terminated correctly and followed by another hotspot. The fix for this crash was to add some extra clean up code that looked for this case and then fixed the hotspot.
- SPR# JRED7CFVYH - The 8.0x versions of pubnames.ntf needed to be modified to account for pre-r8 Settings documents. The problem was that if an address book was created from R6/7 and then its design was upgraded to the R8 design, and then an existing desktop policy settings document was edited, undesirable side effects could happen, such as: Replication intervals in location documents might be set, if the location document was configured to use a local replica, it was switched to a server replica, scan unread was turned on, etc. This problem has been fixed.
- SPR# VNEN6M9RT3 - Searching a complex view may cause the server to crash. The summary list which was to be returned to the client contained extra data which did not belong there. On UNIX platforms, the data is converted to a standard format (ODS) before being transferred back to the client. The extra data caused the ODS processing to process data of the wrong type and errors would occur when count fields or length fields in the data had bad values. On the Windows platform, the extra data is passed back to the client, which may display the data incorrectly for the view. This fix corrects the problem building the summary list. The copy of the extra data into the data section of the summary list was removed.
- SPR# SQCN7AVC2S - When upgrading a multi-user installation from 7.x to 8.x, verification now occurs to make sure the client startup checks the correct reg key for the notes.ini path so setup does not need to be run again. Prior to this fix, a prompt was displayed instructing the user to rerun setup after upgrading the install from 7.0.2 multi-user. This regression was introduced in 8.0.
- SPR# JCHS6Q4L67 - Fixed a server session termination problem which cleans up NIF collections incorrectly causing a memory violation.
- SPR# MGRT7CNJYN - Fixed a problem when the search bar was expanded and a NULL search was returned. When you the switch view, the Admin Client would crash with an Access Violation.
- SPR# NNAI6YK6LQ - Prior to this fix, some users had experienced a client hang when dragging and dropping attachments from memo's in read mode to memo's in edit mode. Most users saw this hang while dropping the attachment on the tab of the new memo in a very quick fashion. This fix eliminates the hang that can occur during that operation.
- SPR# RCFE7DLRG5 - Exception occurred when a user tried to set status immediately after login. Because the exception is not handled properly, it shows in the error dialog. Changes made to handle exception.
- SPR# MCMA72BN2Q - After upgrading Keyview to 10.4 in Notes 802 & 85. We now support viewing Office 2007 files attached in a Notes doc. Support has also been added for importing an Office 2007 file (docx, xlsx) into a rich text field.
13 Commenti:
Ciao a tutti.
ho appena migrato il server da 6.5.
Primo sintomo con client 6.0.3: La nuova posta replicata era già "letta".. (non in rosso)
Installo un nuovo client in una nuova dir:
Secondo Sintomo: non replica la nuova posta, nè col replicator ne forzando.
io l'ho installata il 28 agosto facendo un upgrade solo sul mio client (XP upgrade dalla 8.0.1)... devo dire che i tempi di risposta sono migliorati abbastanza. Però è parecchio instabile; se subito dopo lo startup apro una mail "troppo in fretta" il client si blocca e va tirato giù dal task manager. Il mio client di posta è sempre aperto e posso dire che mediamente mi va in crash almeno una volta al giorno .... per ora ho rimandato l'installazione sulle macchine degli utenti
@Luigi... non so che test avete fatto ma neanche con la 8.0 ho avuto i problemi che hai rilevato..
@Luigi: che configurazione (cpu/ram) avevano le macchine? strano non partisse nemmeno su vista... e hai provato con la 8.0.2? il salto di performance è davvero notevole
Dove lavoro hanno fatto due soli test su due pc: uno con Vista l'altro con XP. Versione Notes presente : la 8.0.1
in quello con Vista non si riesce neppure ad avviare;
in quello con XP la posta è diventata inutilizzabile.
Fantastica IBM !
Beh ragazzi che dire.. i tempi sono davvero cambiati.. dopo l'installazione mi è apparso un "provisioning Operation" che sta rimuovendo un po' di* ma di certo il salto di qualità è notevole!
Ho effettuato test su diversi pc, e il caricamento di Notes è finalmente veloce!
Grandi IBM !
Anche io confermo...
La velocità ora è stata migliorata!
Brava IBM.
la velocità è ottima (come del resto dalla beta)
quello che ho visto nelle note di rilascio è che purtroppo Firefox 3.0 non risulta fra i browser certificati per DWA 802
anche windows server 2008 manca fra i sistemi operativi..
IBM, quasi brava..
@Claudio..l'ultima volta che ci siamo visti eri un po dubbioso...ora che dici?
Anche sul mio notebook, non particolarmente veloce, sono migliorati i tempi di start up e si è risolto un problema di refresh delle mail già lette
ALLA FACCIA... è impressionante il salto di qualità nei tempi di start-up... Brava IBM ;)
grazie Matteo!
IBM Lotus Domino 8.0.2 32 bit for Windows English (C1K38EN)
IBM Lotus Domino 8.0.2 64 bit for Windows English (C1K39EN)
IBM Lotus Notes 8.0.2 basic for Windows English (C1K34EN)
IBM Lotus Notes 8.0.2 for Linux English (C1K32EN)
IBM Lotus Notes 8.0.2 for Windows English (C1K31EN)
IBM Lotus Notes, Domino Designer and Admin 8.0.2 basic configuration for Windows English (C1K35EN)
IBM Lotus Notes, Domino Designer and Admin 8.0.2 for Windows English (C1K33EN)