Sametime 8.0.2: Disponibile


  • 1 commenti
Il 15 Dicembre (siamo in ritardo ma non trovavo le specifiche circa le novità della versione) è stato rilasciata la Release 8.0.2 di Sametime (Entry,Standard, Advanced, Gateway e Enterprise Meeting Server)

Ecco le caratteristiche sostanziali estratte dal link sottostante:

What's new in Lotus Sametime 8.0.2?

The following information describes new features for IBM® Lotus® Sametime® 8.0.2 software.

Products updated in release 8.0.2

The following Lotus Sametime products have been updated in release 8.0.2:

  • Lotus Sametime Enterprise Meeting Server
  • Lotus Sametime Gateway
  • Lotus Sametime server (Standard, Entry, and Instant Messaging Limited Used versions)
  • Lotus Sametime Connect client
In addition, this information center contains documentation updates for Lotus Sametime Advanced 8.0.1 CF1, which was released separately.

Integration with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

With release 8.0.2, Lotus Sametime Connect users can collaborate with while working on a Microsoft Office SharePoint site. When you view a SharePoint site, users appear with presence icons next to their names, just as in Lotus Sametime Connect. For more information, see .

Print Capture Utility

(Windows only) With Lotus Sametime 8.0.2, the Print Capture Utility has been updated with an additional driver to support Microsoft XPS Document Writer for Windows XP and Windows 2003. Installing the Print Capture Utility is explained in Installing the Print Capture Utility.

Changes to IP addresses

Lotus Sametime 8.0.2 supports IPv6 addressing. Enabling IPv6 addressing requires configuration changes in several areas of the product. Some tasks must be completed before you attempt to install Lotus Sametime software, so be sure to review the following section: Introducing IPv6 addressing into a Lotus Sametime deployment before you install release 8.0.2.

Changes to requirements

Some system requirements have changed in release 8.0.2; detailed requirements are available at the following Web address:

1 Commenti:

  • #1 Matteo Bisi 12/24/2008 12:54:08 PM

    aggiornato ora !

    visto che essendo il 24 qui non c'era nessuno...


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