Questo il calendario degli eventi:
- a Milano l'8 8bre
- a Roma il 10 8bre
- a Bologna il 12 8bre
- a Padova il 16 8bre
- a Palermo il 18 8bre
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4 Commenti:
Soliti problemi di coesistenza:
la versione installata per ultima si imposta alcune chiavi di registro per cui il SO 'vede' solo questa.
Di conseguenza operazioni SendTo, links mailto:, OLE, COM puntano a questa...
Installando la 8, hai riscontrato effetti collaterali sulla 7?
Notes 8 Beta and Notes 7.x coexistence
Shut down the Notes client and all Notes-related tools, utilities and add-ins running on your
Rename the Notes 7.x directory. Notes 7.x is typically installed to \Program Files\Lotus\Notes onWindows. For example, you could rename the directory "Notes7."
Rename the entire Notes registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lotus\Notes. For example, you can rename it HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lotus\Notes7.
Rename the entire Installer registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lotus\Notes\Installer. For example, you can rename it HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lotus\Notes\Installer7.
Run the Notes 8 Beta install program setup.exe. Accept the default installation path (C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes). Then, select new locations for the program and data directories. For example, you can select \Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes and \Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data.
When the installation program has finished, rename the 7.x directory back to the original directory name, for example, \Program Files\Lotus\Notes.
-2 ore per me :)
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