Lotus Connections eMeeting

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Dopo il Lotus Executive Panel Session non si può mancare all'eMeeting online su Lotus Connections mercoledì 27 giugno 2007, alle 16.00 ora Italiana, questa l'agenda:
Unleash the power of communities within the enterprise
IBM Lotus Connections, social software for business, uncovers the collective expertise of organizations by dynamically uncovering relationships between people, the information they know and the tasks they work on. The lightweight, web 2.0 design of Lotus Connections creates an open-standards community collaboration platform for scalable enterprise deployment. This session will provide an introduction to this set of integrated services and how our early beta customers are using them today. Learn how you can discover and unleash the power of your business communities internally and externally.

Per partecipare, è possibile può collegarsi online al centro riunioni con la password lotus4you e in teleconferenza a uno dei seguenti numeri:
  • 02.304.103.87
  • 06.452.305.23
  • 011.21.792.112
  • 800.872.053

    Image:Lotus Connections eMeeting

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