Notes/Domino 6.5.5 Maintenance Release
(MR) Notes/Domino 6.5.5 is our 5th Maintenance Release on top of 6.5. Notes/Domino Release 6.5.5 of IBM Lotus Domino is designed, tested, and supported across the 6.5.1 extended product family. The extended product family includes: Lotus Instant Messaging (Sametime®) Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) Lotus Team Workplace (QuickPlace™) Lotus Domino Document Manager (Domino.Doc®) Lotus Workflow™ Lotus Workplace Web Content Management We have fixed approximately 1500 bugs in Notes/Domino 6.5.5. The following is a list of the Top 20 problems fixed in this MR. This list was compiled to identify the problems that most significantly impact our customers. We measure the SPR's by Severity level, number of hotfixes given out, number of customers reporting the problem and business impact to customers. This criteria helps us identify the most important issues impacting our customers. Notes: 1. There are 6 fixes below with a plus symbol (+) before the SPR number. This symbol indicates fixes for regression bugs. A regression bug is a bug that was introduced in a Maintenance Release that did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in R6.5.5 but did not exist in R6.5.3 is a regression. 2. Technote Numbers are displayed in parenthesis following the fix description. IBM Lotus Domino Web Access:
Notes/Domino 6.5.5 ora disponibile
- 12/20/2005
- 5 commenti
In attesa del uscita della R7.0.1 (prevista
per febbraio 2006) ecco uscire l'ultima Release della R6.5.x. Ovvaimente
è disponibile solo la versione in Inglese per ora
5 Commenti:
Global workbanch... quello per le traduzione??... ma cos'è??.. scusa... ma non ho capito la tua questione..
ma il domino global workbench (quello per le traduzioni) lo aggiornano o no?
in che pacchetto è?
Grazie Claudio
sorry... i Language Pack non sono sncora usciti.... ho letto che parlavano di Marzo per la 6.5.5
Qualcuno sa dirmi se sono già disponibili i language pack per la versione 6.5.5 ed eventualmente da dove scaricarli ?