ND R7.01 Disponibie

NEWS Lotus domino R7.0.1 Lotus notes R7.0.1

  • 1 commenti
Rilasciata proprio oggi la Release 7.0.1 di Lotus Notes e Domino in Lingua Inglese. Come sempre il downbload è disponibile tramite Passport.

Estratto dal Database Readme.nsf della R7.0.1:

New features in IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 7.0.1

The following list represents an overview of the new features that are available in IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 7.0.1.  For additional information about new features, please refer to the Documentation Updates chapter of these release notes.

Notes Client

Click-to-call is a feature that allows third-party vendors to build host services based on IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0 Windows Telephony Toolkit.  With Click-to-call, Notes Instant Messaging users can call into a phone system/conference call with one click in the Notes client.  This feature is enabled via the Notes.INI setting "Click2DialEnabled =1".  The feature is turned off by default.

Folder Expiration

The mail template now contains Folder Expiration information.

Notes Instant messaging client displays "Away" state when keyboard/mouse inactive

The Notes Instant Messaging client now automatically changes the Active/Away status based upon the status of the OS (the keyboard or mouse being inactive).  Previously, the Active/Away status was changed based on the Notes client status.  This feature is turned off by default; to enable this feature, set the following Notes.INI variables:

  • "$STActiveToAwayEnabled=1" to enable "Active to Away" on idle
  • "$STAwayToActiveEnabled=1" to enable "Away to Active" on return from idle
  • "$STActiveToAwayTimeout=time" to set idle time threshold (in minutes)

'German (Standard)' changed to 'German (Pre-reform)'

The locale setting "German (Standard)" has been changed to "German (Pre-reform)"; the default setting for the German locale is now "German (Reform)".

Domino Web Access

User may save preferred dictionary for spell check
Domino Web Access now allows users to specify a preferred default dictionary to be used for spell checking.

Domino Designer

Hover Help for column icons
The Designer view column icons now include descriptive text, available by allowing the cursor to "hover" over each icon.

1 Commenti:

  • #1 rules 02/17/2006 10:52:57 AM


    Solitamente dopo quanto tempo vengono rilasciati i language pack? Qualcuno lo sa? Grazie

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