The Orchestra is tuning up

Lotusphere 2009

  • 8 commenti
So the time has finally come: next Saturday we'll take the flight, destination Orlando.
I am really excited, but I guess that this is not a surprise to you.
At least two residual doubts:

1) will caffeine aid me in my fight against jet lag without make me feel as Twitchy from Hoodwinked?

2) will «Ahh, about eleven, sir» be a satisfactory answer to all those questions that in case I will not be able to understand? (quick quiz: who can find out this movie quotation without googling?)

By the way, for whom who may be interested, here there are some details about our "Notes of a Symphony" session.
First of all, it is a "Show'n Tell" session; everything we'll show is in the handouts, step by step, screen by screen, and you will be able to follow the entire lesson on your own machine, then come prepared.
So, what we'll show you?

We'll create together a plug-in for IBM Lotus Symphony able to access data stored in Lotus Notes databases; in particular, focus will be put on the creation of a plug-in to exchange data between a spreadsheet and Notes applications (remember our Frameweb plug-in published on Lotus Symphony site?).

By the end of the session we'll get capabilities to manipulate Lotus Notes data in any way we want from within Lotus Symphony and vice versa, with an eye to platform-independence.

In brief, we'll be able to satisfy every Lotus Notes users' need related to office desktop integration.

The session ID is SHOW108, and it is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20th, from 4:30pm to 6:15pm, in SW Osprey room (for all the details, check out the related page in Lotusphere official site).
I'll wait you there in good company with Wolfgang and Ludwig.
See you in Orlando.

8 Commenti:

  • #1 Fabrizio Marchesano 01/14/2009 10:55:15 AM

    Grazie Matteo :-)


  • #2 Matteo Bisi 01/13/2009 4:37:47 PM

    Ciao Fabrizio non posso fare altro che aggiungermi, IN BOCCA AL LUPO !!!

  • #3 Fabrizio Marchesano 01/12/2009 7:06:26 PM

    Fabio, non preoccuparti... ho preso lezioni di inglese da Steve Martin: { Link }

    Crepi il lupo e a presto in quel di Orlando.


  • #4 Fabio Pignatti 01/12/2009 5:48:51 PM

    Grande Fabrizio!

    Se ti riesce puoi fare l'accento dell'Ohio che lo capisco meglio l'inglese? :-)

    A parte le battute davvero in bocca al lupo anche da parte mia!

    See you in Orlando!

  • #5 Fabrizio Marchesano 01/12/2009 3:33:04 PM

    Ciao Enzo,

    anche io non vedo l'ora di essere a Orlando: l'appuntamento non è più così lontano per poter dire «Ci penserò» e non è ancora abbastanza vicino da dire «Ok, ormai siamo in ballo»... argh!!! ;-)

    Ci vediamo presto!


  • #6 enzo stanzione 01/12/2009 12:23:33 PM

    Ciao Fabrizio...nn vedo l'ora di sentirti Amerricanooo!

    Ci vediamo

  • #7 Fabrizio Marchesano 01/10/2009 4:58:09 PM

    Crepi il lupo!!!


  • #8 davide pannuto 01/09/2009 10:57:36 PM

    in bocca al lupo di cuore!!!! dav

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