Domino 9 IF4 - in attesa della FP1

domino R9 Hot Fix

  • 2 commenti
Mentre la FP1 di Notes e Domino R9 è in code Freeze, nel frattempo IBM ha rilasciato la Hot Fix 4 che risolve diversi problemi di vulnerabilità elencati qui sotto e che vi consiglio di installare:
SPR Description
PTHN9ADPA8 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in IBM iNotes (technote 1649476)
JALS98LNST PDF attachments sent from a custom database are mixed when received (technote 1648763)
MKEN966HFR IHS sends back a 500 status code if mod_domino receives a 449 status code, causes Notes Traveler to fail. (Note: This is a Windows-specific SPR)
DMEA96CMVX Web: Database with SSL redirect and missing WSIS header with connectors enabled results in looping
JPAI93JKUR Full Text message: d:\notefile\mail\czimmet.ft\ftgi.P02 Read error. errcode = 3353 errno = 0
HBJW95PBZ8 Pager issue in catalog XPage UI
RCAA96MV72 Directory Assistance failed opening Primary Domino Directory names.nsf - Function only supported for transaction logged databases
WMUY97QFLZ Panic: Insufficient Semaphores To Handle Number Of Concurrent Owned Critical Regions
MLUO96N5D2 PIM Crash with Domino9 GM build
JFBM97BQUY Return Receipt Feature Failure
NRBY978HXG OOOTerm causes Domino crash when multiple processes have called OOOInit
CCHE97QTFE Out of Office Leaving/Returning Times and Status are Incorrect
LMIL997KRR Router stops with error: Insufficient Queue Space
SEGN974F8K Domino server crash on nTraveler task
FBAI988AC6 User Cannot Encrypt/Decrypt Mail If User Has Id In Id Vault
MDOY97XJ7Y Need to revert to the 853 XPages View Navigator as the default in 9.0
PTHN986NAA Security issue related to MIME mail (technote 1645503)
WSCN987LVR FP3 for Domino 8.5.3 breaks SearchView request from HTTP , returns error 500
PPET98CPBN Fult Text Index Queries By Header No Longer Works In Domino 9
PHAN98UKJB Xsite scripting issue
PTHN98FLQ2 Security issue related to MIME mail (technote 1645503)
PTHN97XHFW iNotes security issue (technote 1645503)
XHBJ95R542 Search operator or, OR, ACCRUE don't work well for iNotes
CCNI95J8PM INotes Quota warning is hardcoded to English

N.B. Grazie alla segnalazione di Matteo Bisi commenti, segnalo che la release corretta è la 9.0.1 e non la 9.0FP1 (Matteo mi aveva anticipato e lo aveva scritto correttamente sul suo blog ieri!)

Ti ricordo che al Dominopoint Days 2013,  Scoot Souder e Stefano Benassi porteranno una sessione sulla R9 di Domino!
Non perdere l'opportunità di partecipare al Dominopoint Days 2013 del 26 e 27 Settembre 2013.
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2 Commenti:

  • #1 Daniele Grillo 09/19/2013 10:32:04 AM

    Grazie Matteo della segnalazione!

    Aggiorno il post mettendo un referrer al tuo blog!

    A presto!

  • #2 Matteo Bisi 09/19/2013 10:28:47 AM

    Come ho scritto ieri sul mio blog, la versione in code Freeze è la 9.0.1 e non la 9.0 FP1

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