Ieri come previsto è uscita la prima fix pack della versione 12.0.2
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Domino / Notes 12.0.2 Fix Pack 1 - uscita
- 04/18/2023
- 2 commenti
2 Commenti:
Confermo Marco,
questa è la spiegazione del supporto: hanno introdotto una feature nel FT Engine dedidato ai MIME/HTML che manda in crash...
Nelle prossime FP sarà disattivato e nel frattempo stanno cercando di capire come correggerlo.
Good Morning! Thanks for writing to me!
I had a quick look at the critical priority case and notice that the Domino Dev\L3 team is engaged and is flagged about the need for a hotfix.
In the mean, I would also like to inform you that I have a similar instance of crashes being worked upon on top of the Domino 12.0.2FP1 version.
And I have the information that the Domino 12.0.2 release, had disabled an HTML parser in the Domino code that was used in 12.0.1.x versions and were involved in many crashes.
- Those HTML parsers were enabled back in the Domino Code with the Domino 12.0.2FP1 release and are being suspected to be the primary cause behind those crashes.
Recommendation For Your Consideration At The Moment:
- We could recommend you make use of the notes.ini entry - FT_FILTER_HTML=0 to disable those HTML parsing in the code.
- Setting FT_FILTER_HTML=0 skips using Domino's HTML parser and either use brute force text grepping or use Tika if one has chosen to filter attachments as well.
Steps: Edit the notes.ini file and add the below notes.ini and save and close the file.
A server restart would be needed.
- In the upcoming versions of 12.0.2FPx, it is supposed to be disabled by default.
While the above requested actions are checked, we would continue collaboration with the Domino L3 team and update back with further advice.
la fix pack 1 manda in crash il server domino a ripetizione.
hanno attivato una funzionalità che sanno essere problematica.
se la avete già installata usate il parametro FT_FILTER_HTML=0 al notes.ini