Riporto qui l'elenco completo
Please note this is a living document and is being updated.
Note: A plus symbol (+) before the SPR number indicates a fix for a regression bug. A regression bug is an issue that was introduced in a Maintenance Release that did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in Release 11.0.1 but did not exist in Release 11.0 is a regression.
Admin Client
SPR# AJBR9M9HE8 - Prior to 11.0.1, the default behavior for INI ENABLE_ACL_FILES was considered disabled if it was not set. 11.0.1 and later, the default behavior of INI ENABLE_ACL_FILES is considered as enabled if it was not set. The administrator must set it explicitly to 0 if they want it disabled.
SPR# MSKAB5MKHZ - When switching views in the admin client registration queue, it will no longer display an error that a document does not exist. Switching views is not common.
SPR# MSKABMDTDL - The Manage Views tool in the Administration client was showing an incorrect total for the sum of the view indexes when that total exceeded 2 GBs. The value was wrapping to a lower value. The individual view sizes however were listed correctly. This has been fixed.
SPR# AGUDBJ5KRU - Fixed the issue in which "IBM Notes" showed up under "Open with" option for nsf files. This was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# AKURBKF8UG - Fixed a Notes client crash when selecting to enumerate all entities from the address book.
+SPR# AKURBLWEDN - Prior to this fix, double entry for "Open Mini View" link was shown on Mail Navigator and the link was not functional. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
+SPR# ASHEBKPEBE - You can now use the ini AllowWildcardLookup=1 on the client and it will not hang and any circumstance
SPR# ASIABKNKBD - Fixed an issue with the action bar for mail have distorted icons on MacOS 10.14.x & 10.15.x.
SPR# AYAVBH9E9W - Fixed a problem in the Notes client where Notes would crash when JAWS 2019 was running.
+SPR# AYAVBLPEHP - Mac - Catalina - fixed several intermittent crashes when running Notes on Catalina - exiting User Configuration dialog, opening Embedded ST \Day at Glance in a new window, exiting Notes Login dialog and exiting from Notes were some of the cases that would sometimes crash. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1 FP4.
SPR# CLUGBLSRLA - Fixed the Notes installer UI, to show "HCL Connections" instead of "IBM Connections". Also upgraded the client to use latest Connections components.
SPR# CSMHBHWJAY - Fixed an issue on MacOS Catalina where clicking notes:// URL links, in Sametime chat or any external application, does not open the link in the Notes client.
+SPR# ECRABGLQPK - Fixed a problem in the Notes basic client where some toolbar icons were showing the bidirectional version of the icon (right to left). The following icons were impacted: Indent, Outdent, Indent First, Bullet, Numbered List. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# ECRABK6FU3 - Fixed the issue in which a registry entry was showing incorrect value for Multi User client. The Multi User value should have been 1 but was 0, has been fixed now.
SPR# ECRABKZLJQ - Fixed an issue where the mailto link gets corrupted when two or more "#" signs are used in the Subject Field.
SPR# JNAOBJ5674 - Fixed an issue where the database title overflows in the Workspace
+SPR# JPKRBKBW4Y - Client - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to highlight Hebrew text in a table from within Notes documents that were in edit mode via the use of keyboard shortcuts. This issue impacted Surface tablets and unicode. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# KHORB6ZRCY - Prior to this fix some CD->MIME conversions would fail because the LMBCS string length for some HTML entities was not calculated properly, resulting in garbage at the end of the string..
+SPR# KHORBGLRT8 - Fixed an issue where the Eclipse iFolderLayout class does not display folders in custom plugins deployed as Notes Widgets.
+SPR# MAVAB9CQ6B - Fixed an issue where the action bar background (white) color turns into a gradient color. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1.
SPR# MGUOB4HP6B - The MIME to CD convert was not handling attached $RFC822.eml attachments created by Domino 4.6 correctly.
SPR# MSAHB7RVZH - Fixed an issue to retain the workspace background setting after the notes upgrade.
SPR# NBFOBGH67T - Fixed a Notes client crash when opening a MIME email due to leading white spaces in an image URL in the MIME email body.
SPR# NDIOBFAMG7 - Fixed an issue where the Notes client intermitently shows less menu items after launching. User needs to restart the client to fix the Menu's.
+SPR# NMMMB6NB2Y - Mac Client - Fixed a problem where the version info for Notes shown in Finder window has 10.0.10 instead of 10.0.1.
+SPR# PALTB75LHK - Fixed a problem in the Notes client where Action Hotspots tied to an image generate an Entry not found in Index error. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# PJONB9B7R9 - This change fixes a race condition that could occur when creating uniquely named temporary files.
+SPR# PLYSBMDUMM - This change fixes a bug that prevented the Domino SMTP Server from correctly parsing and storing nested Internet messages as EML attachments.
SPR# PPUEBJ2RDT - Fixed an issue to set proper margine of the sash navigator in the Notes client.
SPR# RHAN8MXKGA - Fixed a Notes client crash due to accessibility (usually in a Citrix environment). The following INI will disable the complete accessibility in Notes (only C++ side i.e, Basic Notes) DisableAccessibility=1.
SPR# RKRYBJSNCB - Fixed an issue where user was unable to view the contacts in typeahead, if the typeahead list had a longer name listed. The issue caused the typeahead dropdown text to get clipped because of which user could not select the required contact. To fix the issue we have now limited the width of the typeahead dropdown, so that all the names in the list are visible to the user.
+SPR# RRENBF9LHP - Fixed an issue with an incorrect translation "Entgegnet" to "Gegenvorschlag" in the subject of a counter proposal. This regression was introduced in Notes Client German 10.0.1 FP2.
SPR# RSSNBJJL9A - Fixed an issue on Macosx Catalina which slows down the Notes performance.
+SPR# SAHNBLNGEB - Fixed an error message with a strange character show when the Notes client hung. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# SAIABJWCFS - Fixed the issue to show information on Notes status bar of the file being exported as a PDF document.
SPR# SANEBKGBRB - Fixed this issue by updating HCL help resource link in exiting IBM help resource link for the Notes NL client.
+SPR# SAPLBDVE56 - Fixed an issue showing incorrect email label fields on edit / modify existing contact added using "Quick Contact" option. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
+SPR# SAPLBJHJ37 - Client - Contact - Fixed an issue where the Contacts and To Do navigators were showing an Open Mini View option in both local and mail file contacts. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
+SPR# SRAOBHGPND - Fixed an issue with Notes Federated Login (NFL) where NFL failed with an "Invalid argument" error when there was no match found in the list of configurations specified in the ID Vault. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
+SPR# SSARBKGLP6 - Fixed an error during spellcheck with multilingual dictionaries on basic client in Windows. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# SSARBKWGLP - Fixed an issue where several months in the left sidebar calendar picker is not showing the last days of the month.
SPR# SSARBM84RJ - Fixed an issue of an incorrect display of the hotspot button (table) in the body of an HTML email via 2 INI's ENABLE_EE=1, IgnoreUnreferencedAttachmentsMime=1.
+SPR# UTOOBK79AY - Fixed bug which caused the Notes client to fail when handling long filenames in MIME headers which were incorrectly folded.
+SPR# VRARBMEGG3 - Client - Fixed an issue where nnotes.dll did not have the versioning info set, resulting in no info showing in the Details panel of file Properties box. This regression was introduced in 11.0
SPR# WDCABHFPYM - Fixed a problem where the Rest API was showing the incorrect version information.
+SPR# AGUDBEDK7R - Designer - Fixed a problem where opening Domino Designer after Notes had been auto updated would result in a crash. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1 FP3.
SPR# ARANBGSN7Q - Designer - Fixed a problem with Data Connection Shared Resources where Isolation level was not being set, causing the feature to fail.
SPR# ARUIBKFNUS - Designer - Fixed the Designer Help menu Resources links
+SPR# IFBTBJP637 - Designer - Fixed an issue where hovering over a tab title was not showing the tooltip with details about the design element like db name, server / local, type of design element. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1.
+SPR# PJONAW7SSB - Designer - xPages - Fixed an issue here the Data palette drop down menu was blank resulting in being unable to define a new data source using hthe palette. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP10
Enterprise Integration
SPR# KKOOAW5AU4 - HEI - Fixed a problem where Finish Time was not being recorded in log.nsf for virtual field activities which had "Synchronize Key Documents" option set
SPR# KKOOAW5BKM - HEI - Fixed a problem where the Domino server would crash if the "tell hei quit" command was executed while virtual field activity was running with the "Synchronize Key Documents" option enabled.
iNotes Web Access
SPR# ANIABJH5DD - iNotes - Fix problem that HTML source is displayed when particular type of message is opened in iNotes portal UI.
+SPR# ASHEBKKKVD - iNotes - Fixed a problem where Layers in a from were not being rendered properly in browsers. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# DMDDBJ54XZ - iNotes - Fixed an issue where needless notice will not be sent to invitee on adding recipients
SPR# FPAIBMBKXT - iNotes - Fixed an issue in iNotes where the chair cannot remove the subject or location from a meeting.
SPR# HHIEBJA6T7 - iNotes - Fixed an issue where login label on DWALoginForm shows "Log in to HCL iNotes" when "HCL Verse" was selected as login mode, if "Force login on SSL" option was enabled.
SPR# HHIEBJAAUU - iNotes - Fixed a problem where login mode option for HCL Verse does not work on IE11.
SPR# KKOOAP8A66 - iNotes - Fix JavaScript error when the user invoke "Track Message" if iNotes nonce check feature is disabled.
SPR# KKOOBJJ7YR - iNotes - Fix an issue where a needless P tag is generated on hitting enter on IE.
+SPR# KKOOBJJ9FG - iNotes - Fixed an issue where the input [enter] key inserts a
rather than. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1FP9.
SPR# KKOOBL2A7M - iNotes - Fix a problem where the button action is issued to incorrect URL on some incoming messages.
SPR# KKOOBL9CGU - iNotes - Resolved an issue that generating needless P tag on hitting enter on IE
SPR# KKOOBLB85M - iNotes - Fixed an issue where the line breaks become paragraphs when copying and editing the mail via Traveler.
SPR# KKOOBLB8U2 - iNotes - Resolved issue that generating needless P tag on hitting enter on IE
SPR# KMOABGKAMX - iNotes - Fixed an issue where the meeting will keep the long meeting flags on rescheduling/counter actions.
SPR# KMOABJR7K5 - iNotes - Added option to show additional confirmation to open attachments or link to comply with UK Cyber Essensials security practices (Phone Message, Notebook, To Do, Home, Contacts)
SPR# KMOABJRBEV - iNotes - Disabled double-click to open attachments directly in iNotes ActiveX control if option to show extended confirmation for UK Cyber Essensials security practices is enabled.
+SPR# KMOABKK97D - iNotes - Fixed an issue where a broadcast meeting will not unexpectedly be a non broadcast meeting. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# MSAHBH25ZC - iNotes - Fixed an issue on in Safari on iPadOS 13 that logging in to iNotes leads to full mode desktop UI instead of Ultra-light mode for mobile devices.
SPR# NLUABA8C28 - iNotes - Fixed an iNotes crash when the Active Content Filter (ACF) tries to filter an image or pdf when the file name is in the data URL of HTML file contents.
SPR# UTOOBJJ2GH - iNotes - Fix problem that the default mail client setting doesn't work as expected on IE which runs as administrator on Windows 10 version 1809 or newer versions.
SPR# AMPLB89K7P - Fixed an issue where the HTTP PATCH returning response with blank body, when PATCH was done with parameters
SPR# ASHEBGZATW - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where the LotusScript StrToken function produced incorrect results if the delimiter contained two of the same character
SPR# DDEYBM4M4L - DQL - Fixed an issue where time-only DQL terms were not supporting extensions to RFC3339 syntax such as '09:00:00.00z', '09:00:00', '09:00:00.20', '09:00:00.02z', resulting in "error during planning and tree generation"
SPR# JCORBJ9LHZ -LotusScript - Fixed an issue with ViewEntryCollection intersect method was unreliable for collections with greater than 16K documents if the "MaintainOrder" option was being used.
SPR# JCORBLHKJT - Fixed the help documentation for using GPS with HCL Nomad.
SPR# JCUSBJL4H6 - DQL - Fixed an issue where partial timedate terms coupled with other terms were producing incorrect results
SPR# JCUSBJLRT9 - DQL - Fixed an issue in DQL where queries with complex boolean expressions were not correctly placing ORed terms under the proper boolean operator.
SPR# JCUSBJM5JG - DQL - Fixed a problem where certain DQL queries with many terms and complex boolean expressions had some terms erroneously executed and the results ANDed or ORed with the wrong intermediate results.
SPR JCUSBKPQRK - DQL - Fixed an issue where DQL Queries were incorrectly comparing field values to 0-length strings (text1 > ''), resulting in intermittently erroneously finding documents
SPR # JCUSBLJR4Z - DQL - Fixed a problem where DQL textual terms with leading single quotes (like '''''Quoted value ') were not functioning properly, finding an incorrect set of documents.
+SPR# JCUSBMDJZJ - DQL - Fixed a problem where view names that contained two consecutive spaces would result in a failure during view rebuild of the design catalog. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# JCUSBMJK34 - DQL - Fixed an issue with DQL where there is a failure with the @dt syntax.
SPR# SRKMBFNESR - XPages - Fixed an issue where Edit document Custom Control in XPages would show a dialog box instead of editing the document after the session is lost when opened in Firefox. No issue with IE.
+SPR# ASHEBK9BZF - Fixed an issue with Web Site Rules where a content-disposition custom header with value of inline was being working correctly (value of inline was not being honored). This regression was introduced in 10.0
+SPR# ASHEBL3HDZ - Fixed an issue where you need to add a Notes resource directory (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\Notes\res\C ) in the Path system variable in Windows when you call a database agent from an external program. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# BRISBKTL3F - Fixed a seldom seen issue where a before new mail agent would cause delivery to fail, with the error Router: Agent 'BeforeNewMail' error: Notes error: Field is too large (32K) or View's column & selection formulas are too large.
+SPR# BSPRBJ3R74 - Fixed a crash in Domino on startup in RestoreSCRState - OSFileGetToken. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# BSPRBK5NP8 - DAOS - Improved error messages being logged to console for DAOS Tier 2 errors. Prior to this fix a generic message "DAOS Tier 2 storage services are not available. : Program library not loaded. Required .DLL missing or could not load." was being given.
+SPR# CDUTBLARPL - Fixed an issue in Verse and iNotes where re-authentication was broken when deletion logging was enabled on a mail database. This regression was introduced in 10.0
SPR# CSAHBJGQHP - Fixes some deadlocks during the trash cleanup of documents contain file attachments stored in DAOS.
+SPR# CSIOBKPHDX - Fixed a problem where the CKEditor stopped working in web app after upgraded to 10.0. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
+SPR# DANOBKPSFC - DAOS - Fixed a bug where DAOS resync could fail to report errors from scanning .nlo files in the local filesystem (Tier 1)
SPR# DANOBKXVE5 - When cluster symmetry is enabled and a person and all replicas of the person's mail file are deleted using the Administration client, Domino could fail to delete all replicas.
SPR# HPRHBLBDJQ - Fixed a Server Panic issue
SPR# JBUDBHMT89 - Dirsync will now successfully remove documents as configuration options change, such as filter definition.
SPR# JBUDBKTS97 - Introduced ENABLE_NEW_FTLEXWORD_HANDLING ini to toggle lexical word handling. DISABLE_ATTACHMENT_SEARCH_BY_FILENAMES no longer affects the lexical word processing.
SPR# JCALBEYQGU - Prior to this fix, HCL Domino Install always sets domino as a service even before it was selected not 'Always start Domino at startup' and it still stays service even after the OS is rebooted.
+SPR# JKEYBEYGPQ - Messages sent to external SMTP systems that returned a failed Delivery Status Notification used to retain the original sent message id in $MessageID. Now the original sent message id is in the item SMTPSavedMsgID, even for the case fixed in this SPR, where a mime before new mail agent is defined. This regression was introduced in 10.01
SPR# JMANBHNKQM - If Cluster Symmetry (Repair) is enabled, when a person was deleted via the Delete Person dialog in the Admin client with the option "Delete mail replicas on all other servers", if the option "Delete user from the Domino Directory immediately" was also selected, Repair would recreate the mail file from a cluster mate after it was deleted. This is now fixed so that all replicas of the mail file in the cluster are deleted. A workaround prior to the fix being installed is to not check the "Delete user from the Domino Directory immediately" option.
SPR# JPAIBHQL4X - LDAP - Fixed a crash in LAP task - "Memory following pool block has been destroyed"
SPR# JUYYBJK4QV - Fixed an issue where there was an HTTP performance issue due to a lock on a semaphore which had been locked by a thread that did not exist.
SPR# KHORB6ZRCY - Prior to this fix some CD->MIME conversions would fail because the LMBCS string length for some HTML entities was not calculated properly, resulting in garbage at the end of the string..
+SPR# KMAYBLJR4D - Domino now shows an appropriate message if using IMAP authenticate to open a non-IMAP enabled mailfile. The incorrect message was about invalid user name or password. It now indicates the database has not been enabled for IMAP. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# MDAABKUEP4 - The Domino installer on RedHat Linux now checks for the needed X Window libraries. These are needed even in a console mode installation.
SPR# MDLSBHHKDV - Memory leak fixed for Directory Catalog task.
SPR# MDLSBJ3UJF - If Dirsync is configured not to sync "contacts" then it will now sync all fields except internetaddress for the registered users
SPR# MDLSBJ6PXJ - You can now have multiple Directory Assistance documents with the same LDAP host name for multiple Dirsync docs configured for same Active Directory host
SPR# MDLSBJGMFN - Dirsync now reports the skip count in stats and summary lines
SPR# MGUOB4HP6B - The MIME to CD convert was not handling attached $RFC822.eml attachments created by Domino 4.6 correctly.
SPR# MIAS899T5U - Fixed an issue with "insufficient memory - database list pool is full" when many databases are on the server.
SPR# MKIN7VYUFA - The Domino installer on Linux/AIX now checks if there is a space in the path to the installer. If so, we fail gracefully and ask to be moved to a different directory.
+SPR# MKINBKFSZR - The Domino installer now localizes the InstallAnywere provided text (such as button labels).
+SPR# MKINBL8SDW - Fixed an issue when using "IBM Spectrum" as the location of our Windows registry entry was changed from "Lotus" to "HCL". This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# MKINBLBR9L - Prior to this fix, the tika-server.jar (all 71M of it) were installed in both the program directory and data directory. With this fix, the tika-server.jar is now installed in the program directory only.
SPR# MKINBLGLNX - Prior to this fix, Domino installer allows installation to a directory with a space in it.
SPR# MKINBLGRVG - Fixed an issue where the text in the Installanywhere panels and on the buttons are not translated.
SPR# MOBNBHQNXJ - The server will no longer crash when certain SSL failures happen with Directory Assistance LDAP connections
SPR# MOBNBHQQUH - You can now register Active Directories on other secondary address books and non Admin servers
SPR# MOBNBHUHCH - Running Dirsync in "test" mode now removes the "resync" request document once completed
SPR# MOBNBHUHGD - If the database name is empty in a Dirsync config document, the task will now continue to process other documents
SPR# MOBNBJ2QZM - Dirsync will now remove attributes like MiddleName if they have been removed in Active Directory
SPR# MOBNBL9R2P - If you change the Dirsync option to NOT sync contacts, they will not be removed if you have already synced them
SPR# MOBNBLZREW - We now log help information when a Condensed Directory Catalog exists with an error and doesn't complete due to very large "member" fields.
+SPR# MRONBGZKYM - Fix a problem which caused the Domino IMAP server to return "BAD unknown command" instead of "NO LOGIN The database has not been enabled for IMAP" when a user tries to open their mail file via an IMAP client. This would occur if the mail database was not IMAP enabled and the server configuration did not have "Enable IMAP during login" enabled. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# MSKAA2VP7F - Fixed the Domino TLS connections with endpoints that use TLS certificates without SubjectDN attributes that have SAN attributes.
SPR# MSKABJHPD9 - Fixed a problem where the statistic database.database.bufferpool.percentreadsinbuffer was not being seen via SMP.
SPR# MSKABLNQCZ - iSeries - Fixed an issue where the Panagenda database PMCInstaller.nsf was corrupt after an iSeries install
SPR# MWVOBLVQW8 - repaircleanup tool has been renamed rprcleanup on all platforms to fix a start up error - Repaircleanup.pgm for IBM i
SPR# PJONB9B7R9 - This change fixes a race condition that could occur when creating uniquely named temporary files.
SPR# PKURBC8FUG - iSeries - Fixed a problem where the SLP could not be installed on iSeries.
SPR# PKURBLAMMW - Domcfg database - Fixed an issue where Domcfg database gave error mapping handling (General errors) for a few sites. This was due to a limitation of 32 error mapping documents. Default is now 256 via INI DOMINO_MAX_CUSTOMRESPONSE_VIEW_ENTRIES, whereas the default before was 32.
+SPR# PKURBLBDGF - Fixed an issue where the Domino server shows warnings when starting HTTP server when the OS locale is set to Latvian. The warnings are harmless and don't affect the HTTP server functionality. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP10.
+SPR# PLYSBMDUMM - This change fixes a bug that prevented the Domino SMTP Server from correctly parsing and storing nested Internet messages as EML attachments.
SPR# RDRABGQMWZ - compact - Fixed an issue where compact -c -ZU pulled attachments of a DAOS enabled application back into the database
SPR# RJTOBLGMWM - The Domino installer now installs the correct version of the administrator help file on IBM i systems.
SPR# RJTOBM6SRS - Fixed an issue where the log file gets full due to an agent doing stampnotes.
SPR# SMAUBGLFLC - Prior to this fix, Server selection type always defaults to 'Enterprise' server during upgrades regardless server type was selcted to different type other than 'Enterprise'.
+SPR# SMOYBKKL8C - Fixed an issue where DCT scan failed when trying to be run. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# SPPPBCLCX6 - Fixed a crash that occurred when deletion logging was enabled under certain circumstances
+SPR# SPPPBJQJJT - Fixed an issue where the compact -replica command removes all the ghost documents (including profiles) from a database.
SPR# SPPPBJXEZ8 - iSeries - Fixed a problem with message logging where an unneeded message warning messaging was being output resulting in too many message keys being used.
SPR# SPPPBK5DZB - Fixed an issue where server console was showing a licensing error "using value as token" error message. This message now only appears at the info level of debug verbosity.
+SPR# SPPPBKPKSZ - Fixed an error when trying to configure SNMP Service on Windows when trying to open Lotus/IBM versions of the registry key. This regression was introduced in 11.0
+SPR# SSHEBGSHJU - Fixed a server crash that would sometimes occur when creating a file connector in DECS or HEI. This regression was introduced in 10.0
+SPR# UTOOBK79AY - Fixed bug which caused the Notes client to fail when handling long filenames in MIME headers which were incorrectly folded.
SPR# AABSBM5NYT - Domino Directory Assistance template - Fixed an issue where the 11.0 Domino Directory Assistance template, da.ntf, was getting ovewritten by older templates due to an incorrect replica id.
SPR# AGUDB63PB4 - ACL on the template admin4.ntf was changed to not allow Anonymous web access.
+SPR# AGUDBJHMK9 - Fixed an error "Expiration days is required" creating Web Rule HTTP headers. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# ASAEBKVKDR - Fixed the Domino directory to show the correct German holiday names.
SPR# ATHNBKV9W4 - Notes - Calendar - Fixed a problem where the 'Do not receive responses from invitees' property was getting unchecked when reopening a >24 hr invite
+SPR# CSAHBDPJ7D - Disable DAOS option in autcat.ntf to avoid DAOS reset and annoying log messages.
SPR# DSLL7AN5LG - Corrected failure of action in Domino Administrator to open Directory Assistance database.
SPR# NPDIBG7A4A - Client mail - Fixed an issue where if a large local group of more than 20KB was added to the cc field of a message the error "Only plain text can be used in this type of field" would be displayed
SPR# PPRTBH8HQA - (German only) Function "SP-XML exportieren" failure in IdP configuration screen.
SPR# SAIABLGADP - Domino Directory was updated to support HCAA as a client type for auto upgrade.
SPR# SAPLBJHJ9S - Fixed an issue to show the Form heading label to "New".
SPR# SAPLBLCDV2 - Prior to this fix, incorrect labels for email address fields usd to get displayed if user adds new contact from Inbox.
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