Fix pack 2 per Notes/Domino 9.0.1 - supporto XPages IE11, Citrix XenApp 7.5, RHEL7

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Due giorni fa è uscita la Fix Pack 2 di Notes e Domino che racchiude oltre ad un centinaio di Fix  anche le seguenti novità riguardo al supporto;:
  • Citrix XenApp 7.5 for Client
  • Internet Explorer 11 for xPages (Dojo aggiornato alla 1.9.2 e CKEditor 4.3.2)
  • RHEL7 for Server

Il supporto di Mac OS X 10.10 sarà annunciato in autunno, anche se la Fix pack è racchiude correzioni di compatibilità con OSX 10.10

Ulteriori dettagli a questa pagina

9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 Fix List descriptions:

  • RHAN8CUMJE (LO57510) - Added a check to avoid a client crash when working or searching in the calendar.
  • AJAN9657JM (LO76981) - Fixes a navigation issue that would highlight a different inbox mail message switching between Notes and another application using ALT-Tab.
  • TMDS97JVZ9 (LO75247) - Fixes an intermittent "Cannot create window (Insufficient Memory)" error that would appear in a user mail file. (technote 1662284)
  • SSZG7H3HBH (LO51653) - Fixes an intermittent issue that prevented dragging big attachments from Notes to the operating system Desktop.
  • +KTOT9K3RXW (LO80392) - Fixes failure when upgrading from Notes 9.0.1 to 9.0.1FP1 with the following error message in the Install log: "ReplaceJvmUpdateFiles: ERROR: Failed to rename directory C:\Program Files (x86) \Lotus\Notes\jvm to C:\Program Files (x86)\Lotus\Notes\jvm_old: 32." This issue would only occur when not installing under the Admin account. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP1. (technote 1674482)
  • JKAE8YQDEW (71932LO) - Fixes issue where a message entry gets created in the trash folder whenever an eml file that was saved from the Notes Client, is closed.
  • +TITH9BQDZF (LO77124) - Fixes issue where the "Name" field of the print dialog is blank if the default printer driver has DBCS name. This is a regression in 9.0. (technote 1668977)
  • +MJON9GQHLL (LO79283) - Fixes potential performance degradation in LDAP search when there are many nested groups. This was a regression introduced by the fix for SPR# CAHT959LQG (Fixes issue where complex LDAP search filter returns no results). This fix introduces the new ini: LDAP_COMPLEX_FILTER. When this ini is set to 1, the code path for the fix for SPR# CAHT959LQG is enabled and the performance degradation could result. Setting this ini to 0, disables the code path and no performance degradation will be seen. This is a regression in 8.5.3 FP6. (technote 1668995)
  • +HOKA8RZ5KL (LO67745) - Fixes issue in Xpages where the correct date (or time) won't show on date time picker. This is a regression in 8.5.3.
  • YGAO95HFP9 (LO74249) - Fixes password reset failure when the required password quality for a user has been changed in the security policy but not yet updated in the ID file. With the fix, the password quality in the ID file is checked and updated if necessary during a password reset.
  • MBAS9G8LCP (LO79045) - Fixes Server crash due to TNEF conversion with Error Message: "PANIC: Invalid pool free chain". (technote 1673919)
  • +MNGA9FSRGV (LO78819) - Fixes Server crash on IMAP with the error message: "PANIC: OSVBlockAddr: Bad VBlock handle (0\0)". (technote 1669690)
  • VPRS99UPQQ (LO76346) - Fixes intermittent Domino Server DAOSMgr crash during DAOS catalog resync when the file path exceeds 256 characters.
  • DANG8PCJH6 (LO65974) - Fixes issue where an auto-populated group will not include the alphabetically last people in the Domino directory if there are response docs to people documents in the Domino directory. (technote 1592316)
  • +RREN9GWKVX (LO79377) - Fixes issue where document locking doesn't work if the group name is a substring of the name of the person doing the locking. This is a regression in 9.0.

  • EPOR9CBJ6G (LO77937) - Fixes issue when using iNotes Ultra-light mode on iOS7 where type-ahead inserts additional characters that will fail to resolve when sending the message.
  • +JCHS9ERSZE (LO78486) - Fixes intermittent Domino Server crash on http task due to iNotes stale cookies. This is a regression in 9.0. (technote 1673838)
  • PPET9J3H9X (LO79954) - Fixes Internet Explorer crash caused by interaction with dwabho.dll, used for Browser Cache Management.
  • +THIO8RWGGP (LO67661) - Fixes an issue replying to mails from iNotes and "Re:" is not appended to the subject. This is a regression in 8.5.3.
  • ASHH9EN5GS (LO78446) - Fixes an email problem where an attachment with a non-ASCII file name uploaded by "Save" action gets sent even though it was deleted from the mail. This problem only occurs when using Active X file upload control for Internet Explorer. (technote 1664163)
Image:Fix pack 2 per Notes/Domino 9.0.1 - supporto XPages IE11, Citrix XenApp 7.5, RHEL7

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