Fix Pack 3 per Notes e Domino R8.5.1

FP3 R8.5.1 notes domino

  • 7 commenti
Disponibile sulla Fix Central del supporto IBM il Fix Pack 3 sia per Notes che per Domino. Il fix pack 3 si applica a Notes e Domino r8.5.1.
I pacchetti di installazione per tutte le piattaforme si possono trovare direttamente qui, sono cumulativi ed includono quindi i fix rilasciati nei precedenti fixpack.

Dalla fix list una lettera di rilascio preliminare con il dettaglio dei fix inclusi:

NOTA AGGIUNTA del 3 Giugno: Questo Fix Pack contiene anche una Fix Importante (SPR
# ADEE84REF5 ) che era stata introdotta nella HotFix 851FP2HF242 che risolveva la corruzione di allegati dopo archiviazione su server (accadeva solo se gli archivi erano residenti sullo stesso server domino dei database sorgenti).

8.5.1 FP3 Preliminary Fix List


These fixes apply to both the Basic and Standard Notes Client:
  • SPR# ASHH7ZEDKB - Fixed a potential client hang converting bitmaps to GIF sending internet email.
  • SPR# BJGY7XPPLY - This fix checks for any and all open mail file views and attempts to refresh each of these upon new mail. Prior to these changes, when a new mail notification came in, the code would check the location document for the preferred server, and then attempt to find an open view associated with that server, and then refresh that view. These new changes perform the following: 1) find all potential mailfiles, 2) check to see if any of these are currently open, and 3) if open, notify each of these to refresh.
  • SPR# BLIO83J3PN - Error displayed after leaving the Notes Client opened without accessing the client for several hours. The error message displayed was "An internal error occurred during: "LoginJob java.lang.NullPointerException".
  • SPR# DBRK7NBEZC - Fixed a problem where if "replication is enabled for this location" is selected on the replication tab of the location, a new replica will not have "scheduled replication is enabled" set by default.
  • SPR# HNAA7XYCGX - Prior to this fix, the filename of an attachment icon wrapped poorly in all languages/character sets and especially in DBCS languages. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# KPAL7YUSFY - Fixed a Notes client crash (PANIC: LookupHandle: null handle) when Notes tried to open a document with the mime type, which should be rendered by the browser. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1 FP1.
  • SPR# MGIN82GM2G - Icons would get "cut off" and/or would not completely refresh in some cases. Notes now refreshes the width of the Sametime enabled column of a view, and not just the width of the Sametime icons. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1 FP1.
  • SPR# RCE5W3VR7 - Resolved a crash when shutting down the client. The NSD reported an error "PANIC: LookupHandle: handle not allocated in NLNOTES".
  • SPR# RHOE7VPGQS - Fixed a Notes client crash seen when using the "open another persons calendar" functionality.
  • SPR# VASR7YAM48 - When creating a replica of names.nsf on a server, the 'Synchronize Contacts' entry would be found and the replica not created because it is assumed that the replica exists. This fix will check the replica entry found and if it is a 'Synchronize Contacts' entry, the new replica of names.nsf will be created correctly. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# YHNN7YJJBV - Fixed a Notes client crash.

These fixes apply to the Standard Notes Client:
  • SPR# AWAG82SPS9 - Fixed a problem where the gutter mode disappeared and wrong documents were acted upon for selection. This problem appears to be a timing issue where sometimes the Gutter preference was retrieved before it was ready.
  • SPR# BRI82BMTM - Removed potential Notes crash when making an audio call over Sametime.
  • SPR# CMCH7VYLR6 - Prior to this fix, the Business Card was rendered too far from the buddylist preventing the user from accessing the card.
  • SPR# CSMH7X8QHE - The Lotus Sametime client, either running stand-alone or embedded in Notes, can cause unnecessary load on a Lotus Domino server when the client reads the user's mail file to get the user's Calendar entries. The problem was due to an inefficient usage of the Notes API to retrieve the data from the Mail file. The following preferences control the the Sametime Auto-Status Change for Notes Meeting:\enabled=true\interval=5\notes_enabled=true These can be set in the plugin_customization.ini or pushed from the Domino Administrator. Once set, the end user has the ability to change the preferences.
  • SPR# DGAO7E5UQB - Prior to this fix, Esc was not bringing the chat window back to the front. The chat window is at the back of the Notes window.
  • SPR# DPOL7XRGK8 - Fixed a problem when using [ToolsRunMacro] @command from a navigator in order to launch an agent. The @command failed with the error "Entry not found in index". This fix adds a check when the view cannot be found. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# GCUN6YZLU9 - Fixed an intermittent error when opening a mail file: 'CWPCA8542E: Empty navigation tree'.
  • SPR# HDAN82WQ4Q - The Lotus Sametime client, either running stand-alone or embedded in Notes, can cause unnecessary load on a Lotus Domino server when the client reads the user's mail file to get the user's Calendar entries. This lookup is part of the AutoStatus process where the user status can automatically change based on a person's meetings scheduled in the person's Notes calendar. The following preferences control the the Sametime Auto-Status Change for Notes Meeting:\enabled=true\interval=5\notes_enabled=true
These can be set in the plugin_customization.ini or pushed from the Domino Administrator. Once set, the end user has the ability to change the preferences.SPR# LKIM7EWPFR - When clients are using a custom application on the server, certain edit fields may trigger a client crash. This fix introduces an INI that prevents the crash for those who are experiencing it.
  • SPR# JBAA82BHYN - Fixed a problem where the embedded client returned a null instead of the login token.
  • SPR# JCHC83U67E - Prior to this fix, the correct password can not be saved to Portal account information after entered in a pop up window.
  • SPR# JONS78XSYU - Using UNC to save chat history no longer causes emoticons not to work.
  • SPR# JPAS82DNWR - Popup chat message that User-A has left the chat even when User-B shouldn't see it.
  • SPR# JPAS83NLDZ - Fixed a problem where Business Card and Awareness Icons were missing.
  • SPR# KHKG7XUS3T - On login to a new community server, it was possible that a deadlock could occur, causing multiple threads to be created and never released. The issue causing the deadlock and thread creation as been resolved.
  • SPR# LQIU84CAGC - Unable to auto save a chat transcript to the Notes Chat History database with embedded ST8.5.x
  • SPR# MDEN82SKFB - Error "java.lang.illegalstateexception" displayed when running a simple java agent which opens a URL connection on Mac 10.6 using security manager. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# MDEN82WK77 - Fixed a problem when using the same XPD Http URL connection object. This problem leads to a Protocol Exception with Java agents and plugins. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1 FP1.
  • SPR# MLAT842K5M - Fixed a problem where the install script would skip the upgrading operation if it detected a Fix Pack was installed. Users can now upgrade to a new Fix pack even if the old version has been installed.
  • SPR# OBEN82WB63 - Fixed a problem where the "To:" field was displayed when creating an appointment in MS Outlook. The "To:" field should not display for appointments, only for meeting invitations.
  • SPR# PPRT7R6H4A - Fixed an intermittent problem where HTML code was incorrectly displayed in messages when someone started a new chat.
  • SPR# RCAA7QJUTH - Synchronize contacts do not add the $nopurge field to existing documents. The new "synchronize contacts" method in Release 8.x does not update existing entries in the mail database that do not have a $nopurge field, because the existing entries are the "source note" of the replication. This fix will update the source note as well if "$NoPurge" is added to the destination note during replication. With this fix, the new "synchronize contacts" method could behave as before to also add the $NoPurge field to existing entries in the mail database.
  • SPR# RHAN83FFWE - Prior to this fix, users were prompted by Vista's User Account Control access (user name and password) as Lotus Expeditor attempts to export registry entries for composite application configuration. A change has been made to the registry commands that register CA/CAI protocols to use UAC compliant calls to prevent permission popups during launch.
  • SPR# SVNM7VXNA7 - Prior to this fix, the Privacy tab on "External Contacts" section text was overlapped.
  • SPR# SCHI7ZPGPC - A search with search history disabled no longer generates an error message. The error message that was displayed was "Searching application has encountered a problem". This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# TMLD83K2J9 - Error "Missing single sign on token" displayed after upgrading from Notes 8.0.2 to 8.5.1 FP1 .
  • SPR# VMAA836KHH - Fixed a problem that, when in the Gutter mode, various problems occurred for the calendar user. For example: incorrect actions were displayed, can not delete an event, or the context menu contained an invalid "Format Action Placeholder" action.
  • SPR# WTON7UCJMS - When an address is entered or returned from a selection is an internet address, a final lookup is now done to try to retrieve a Notes address from an internet address. This regression was introduced in 8.0 and 8.5.1.
  • SPR# WHER7QJN98 - Prior to this fix, users were unable to set "Auto Login" for Sametime via plugin_customization.ini.
  • SPR# WHER7UFL6E - Prior to this fix, the OfficeAddin Toolbar would not retain location changes in Office Applications.
  • SPR# WHER7X9N3G - Prior to this fix, the presence would not change to "disconnected" on Callee once the caller selects the "Leave Call and Close window" option.
  • SPR# XLZG7WUBXS - Error "An internal error occurred during: registerInviteHandlerJob" was displayed after switching Notes ID's and then logging into Sametime.
  • SPR# XLZG7YKCA8 - Fixed a problem where the last associated chat window could not be closed. The close button on the top of the window was disabled.
  • SPR# XLZG7ZPBFW - Prior to this fix, the right-click menu for Spell Checking remained displayed after Spell Checking has finished.
  • SPR# XLZG82KBGV - Fixed a problem where the error "GetIMAwarenessRequest Job has encountered a problem" was displayed after clicking the Reset User button. This error also occurred intermittently when refreshing a mail view.
  • SPR# XLZG83294E - Error "DisposeStatusImageKeysJob" has encountered a problem" when changing the Sametime preferences setting.
  • SPR# YYSN7VRA4F - Implemented new GTK library to prevent problems with window clipping and refreshing. Also provided a fix to Drag/Drop to prevent problems with traditional c++ list views (all except for the Mail view).
  • SPR# ZNZO83P8E9 - The Sametime dock icon continues to flash even after being clicked. Now when a user closes the Sametime window and goes to other applications, the Sametime icon is still flashing.
iNotes Web Access
  • SPR# CJMS7Y5V3J - Unable to open and read SMIME Signed messages when the mail file does not contain a Notes ID and is not Vaulted. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# JFAL7XQQD8 - Fixed a problem where the date displayed on the datepicker link was wrong. Also, the TODAY icon was incorrectly displaying. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1 FP1.
  • SPR# JSSI7YEA2W - Fixed a problem that Chinese DBCS name attachments couldn't be downloaded from iNotes if the server locale was English. This regression was introduced in 8.5.
  • SPR# PPET84CN87 -Fixed a problem where Browser Cache Management prompts would not stop displaying.

  • +SPR# ADEE84REF5 - Fixed a defect that affects attachments during archive operations, causing attachment corruption. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# BYAG7Z75TA - Prior to this fix, TNEF conversion was not working correctly on an attachment's name on the Unix platform. The attachment itself is ok.
  • SPR# CAOA83W73Y - Fix for two memory leaks in the backend classes exposed by customer using xpages.
  • SPR# CSCT836HFL - View.getDocumentByKey and getAllDocumentsByKey fails on a very busy View, with a "the collection has become invalid" error. This fix will allow collection retrieval under all commonly occurring conditions and is primarily for the server, but will pertain to both client and server. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# DADS7VJRSQ - When registering users via the admin client and adding the new user to groups, the registration server will crash. With this fix applied to the registration server, the admin client will successfully register the user without the registration server crashing.
  • SPR# DCHR7T4QG7 - Fixed an Admin Client crash when running the Decommissioned Server.
  • SPR# DOLA7YEK44 - Fixed a Domino crash on NBES with PANIC: LookupHandle: null handle.
  • SPR# DROO82ZJMV - Fixed a change order of processing in dbdirman to ensure is not skipped during resync.
  • SPR# EDOE7ZDPGP - Increased the default max value used in the Notes.ini variable NSF_XACL_POOLSIZE_MB to 520 MB.
  • SPR# GFUR7LYNMU - Fixed a server crash due to a null pointer problem.
  • SPR# JASH82L2ZP - Added the .xsl filetype for setting an expired header in an HTTP response for Domino Quickr.
  • SPR# JFOR83MJA5 - Fixed a DAOS resync ticket scan code to scan large databases faster.
  • SPR# JKUR7TY97B - Added the Notes.ini variable Pop3_List_Size_Estimate to allow the pop3 LIST command to no longer require a full cd to mime conversion.
  • SPR# JMPR7MW899 - This fix addresses an issue where requesting documents to archive from a server could overwrite memory.
  • SPR# JSHN7YSRPZ - Fixed a problem where the Out of Office Service was responding to an incorrect address. The Out of Office Service was enabled for a user and they responded to a message from a sender in a different Notes domain. The user then received a message from another sender in the same Notes domain as the user. When that second message was responded to, the Notes domain of the first sender was appended to the address, which resulted in an invalid address and ultimately a delivery failure.
  • SPR# KHAN7XJUSY - This fix prevents a certain group cache debug from being output to the server console unless the DEBUG_GROUP_CACHE=1 Notes.ini parameter is set. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# KLYH7ZPNC2 - Fixed IBM Lotus Domino LDAP buffer overflow vulnerability.
    See TN # 1420749 for more information.
  • SPR# KWON83UQ54 - Fixed a problem where the resync exited prematurely in response to server shutdown, and incorrectly marked the DAOS catalog as Synchronized.
  • SPR# MKEN837LHA - Enhanced debug parameters.
  • SPR# MKIN82U2CR - Fixed a leak of heap memory in the XPages interface.
  • SPR# NORK82JSMP - The backend MIMEEntity classes are now better protected from intermittent failures.
  • SPR# OFFI7WBSV7 - Fixed a session leak which resulted in a high number of BLK_NETBUFFER allocations. This regression was introduced in 8.5.
  • SPR# OFFI7WPRDV - BLK_NETBUFFER leak in DispatchNewMailNotification. Server either crashes or becomes unresponsive. A server restart would clean the network buffer.
  • SPR# OFFI7WRSVZ - BLK_NETBUFFER leak in ServerAsyncChangeNotify. Server either crashes or becomes unresponsive. A server restart would clean the network buffer.
  • SPR# OIHZ7R3KFK - With a Notes 8.0.2 server set to use the Out of Office Service and after upgrading to 8.5, some users are using the Out of Office agent instead of the service. This occurs for all users who have the Out of Office service enabled at the time of the load convert to the new mail template. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# PMAO83WTBX - When consulting the DAOS catalog to see if the NLO exists in a location other than where the hint suggests, the filename is malformed if the query fails. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1 FP2.
  • SPR# RGAU7ZEEJD - Since the Standard Notes Client has been added, the more control variables interrupt the Seamless mail upgrade for upgrading mail design. The new variable always returns an incorrect value to disable the SMU status if the mail file was "Set Bookmark as Home Page". This fix resets the control variables and enables the Seamless mail upgrade function.
  • SPR# SAZR7V3ME6 - TNEF conversion does not work for winmail.dat attachments with Unicode. This problem occurs even TNEFEnableConversion=1 is enabled on the server. This fix recognizes and handles unicode as well as other character sets used in filenames and other strings in tnef streams.
  • SPR# SRIO83LSTW - In a PULL replication operation, if both sides are 8.5.1 or newer, and the destination has DAOS enabled, and there is a successful DAOS exploitation clone operation, subsequent attachments will be truncated. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1.
  • SPR# THIO7XMAKD - This fix addresses a problem with the unread count incorrectly including some documents for ODS 48 and above databases. This regression was introduced in 8.5.
  • SPR# TPON7RBDY4 - This issue corrects a problem where we were double encoding certain header fields. It INI wraps the fix for SPR AONL7BJKYM which caused this issue. It also corrects the fix for AONL7BJKYM to not double encode the To, From, CC, BCC, or Reply-To headers. To enable the fix for SPR AONL7BJKYM, with the fix for SPR TPON7RBDY4 included, use MIMERecodeBodyAndHeaders=1 in the notes.ini file.
  • SPR# TPON83FH62 - Fixed a problem in the Router where a failed message transfer to a destination host caused subsequent valid messages to be non delivered. Typically this error is "SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error".
  • SPR# WBKK7GNJY8 - Fix for Cluster Replicator crash which could happen under low memory conditions.
  • SPR# WWAG82RQTY - Fixed a problem on Unix platforms where TNEF conversion was not working for winmail.dat attachments with Unicode. This problem occurs even TNEFEnableConversion=1 is enabled on the server. This fix recognizes and handles unicode as well as other character sets used in filenames and other strings in tnef streams.
  • SPR# YDEN825ENE - This fix restores proper handling of errors from the shared unk table.

7 Commenti:

  • #1 Lisbon Hotel 03/31/2011 9:10:15 AM

    Wow..I congratulate your group, Hope success of releasing some tools will succeed...Keep it up!

  • #2 Mere 06/03/2010 6:17:50 PM

    x Giuseppe.... direi di si dato che client notes a 64 bit non vi è traccia di rilascio

  • #3 Mere 06/03/2010 6:11:05 PM

    Aggiunto in articolo nota importante su una fix contenuta che risolve un grave problema di corruzione degli allegati in caso di archiviazione su server

  • #4 Giuseppe Grasso 06/01/2010 3:40:16 PM

    NikTr si riferisce all'ambiente a 64 bit, qualcuno può confermare o smentire?

  • #5 Daniele Grillo 06/01/2010 1:26:24 PM

    Confermo il commento di Luca Tozzi, il designer è + usabile e performante...

    Il client anche

  • #6 NikTr 06/01/2010 10:28:26 AM

    Dopol'installazione del client (64 bit) non avet notato un degrado di performance??

  • #7 Luca Tozzi 05/31/2010 12:55:49 PM

    Post Aggiornamento Noto una piacevole maggiore usabilita' nell'uso del Designer!!

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