IBM Lotus Awards 2011: finalmente un operatore italiano!

ls11 lotusphere 2011 IBM Lotus Awards 2011

  • 2 commenti
Pubblicata la lista definitiva dei vincitori degli IBM Lotus Awards 2011, integrata con gli ultimi operatori annunciati durante la scorsa settimana a Lotusphere, come anticipato da dominopoint, fra i premiati figura un operatore italiano:

Image:IBM Lotus Awards 2011: finalmente un operatore italiano!

Ecco l'elenco dei vincitori:

Guardando nel dettaglio al vincitore italiano, la categoria "Innovative Leadership by a VAD" riconosce un distributore IBM che abbia dimostrato leadership in diverse aree chiave. Il distributore deve aver dimostrato crescita anno su anno ed aver eseguito compagne di marketing innovative  ed effettive per guidare la domanda di prodotti Lotus. Inoltre, il distributore ha espanso il proprio business Lotus e Websphere reclutando partner, sviluppando le capacità dei partner ed utilizzando il canale IBM per i programmi di marketing. La motivazione del premio a Computer Gross riporta:

Computer Gross Italy and their dedicated Lotus team supports 281 Lotus Resellers that grew revenue across the portfolio 12% year-to- year. They drove the Lotus certifications of their partners and increased their own skills by attaining 40 new Lotus certifications. Computer Gross created a community named "Social Partner Network" connecting all Italian Lotus partners. It was developed using Lotus social business software to allow partners to share experiences and locate resources to help close business.

Computer Gross developed innovative marketing campaigns that included a VAD University in Q1, IBM Express solutions which bundled hardware and software for mid-market customers in Q3 and Q4, a Lotus Live "cloud" solutions through "Happy Hour" Roadshow and creative sales contests throughout 2H10. Additionally Computer Gross has developed a Web B2B with WebSphere Portal for Business Partners which processed 91ML€ Revenue and over 22,000 transactions in 2010.

Computer Gross uses the entire Lotus portfolio of products to run their business. Customer references from their resellers show solutions based on the IBM Customer Experience Suite and support of industry solutions.

A Computer Gross vanno quindi i comnplimenti di Dominopoint a per esser stati capaci di distinguersi e rappresentare il nostro paese in un contesto di competizione internazionale estremamente competitivo!

2 Commenti:

  • #1 Giuseppe Grasso 02/08/2011 1:16:19 PM

    @hey Mat! how are you?

    btw congrats for the double award to ISW and specially to you for winning the open source award!

    (also, I don't know who to tell to make them fix it but have you seen that they miss-linked your company on the open source award?)

  • #2 Mat Newman 02/08/2011 6:50:36 AM

    Grazie per l'elenco di questi ... Mate :-)

    Grande per vedere i premi diffondersi in tutto il mondo!

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