Vi invito a leggere anche il post di Matteo che evidenzia le novità della 9.0.2 (riporto le screenshots in fondo a questo articolo)
La vera news è il supporto pieno per TLS 1.2 cosa che è presente nelle diverse IF della FP3.
Questo è l'elenco delle principali fix:
- IFAY9QZGKG (LO82854) - Fixes issue where when a user attempts to add a private Google calendar to their Notes calendar, the error "Must be a calendar user to use Google Calendar private feeds" is received. (technote 1690894)
- NNBN999LWB (LO76096) - Fixes issue where meetings sent from Outlook as rich text format, arrive in Notes as plain text emails. (technote 1511942)
- JSTN9QJV73 (LO82640) - Fixes intermittent Notes Client crash on Startup / Launch
- +IFAY9PMFDX (LO82254) - Fixes issue where the Notes Client refuses to launch after doing "Show Duplicate Calendar Entries". This is a regression in 9.0.1.
- SHEZ9P3KAP (LO82001) - Fixes install failure when installing 9.0.1 FP2 or 9.0.1 FP3 on Windows due to low memory condition in Java.
- RCFE9K5TRJ (LO80436) - Fixes Notes Client scaling issues with high screen resolutions.
- +LQPG9SPCL4 (LO83822) - Fixes Notes Client hang when pasting certain Mac clipboard content (screenshot, Keynote, etc) into a Notes Rich Text Field. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP3.
- SHEZ9DCEWP (LO77845) - Fixes issue where the 'All Mail and Archives' search does not work when sever based archived policy is in place.
- JRED8DVKSU (LO58322) - Fixes issue where Domino's time will be wrong when DST is set to take place at a time other than 2am. If the DST change occurs at 11:59:59pm, DST will occur 22 hours early on Notes/Domino. If it occurs at midnight, it will be off by 2 hours because Domino does not actually change time until 2AM. This fix is OFF by default and controlled through a new Notes.ini DSTLAWTIME=x DSTLAWTIME not defined in Notes.ini -> Use default behavior of 2am for DST Begin, and 1am for DST End. DSTLAWTIME=Hour:Min;Hour:Min - Hour is 0-23, and Min is 0-59 - DST Time for the boundaries Begin/End. DSTLAWTIME=99 -> Windows only, use the value from stucture for DST Date Hour:Min. (technote 1687371)
- TOCL9UJJU4 (LO84263) - Fixes issue where after installing the Domino JVM security patch, running Domino as a service no longer works
- KLYH9QKT4B (LO82912) - Notes / Domino Support for TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security 1.2) with protocols: HTTP, SMTP, LDAP, POP3 & IMAP.
- +RGAU9T8P4Y (LO83641) - Fixes LS2J Error With "Java Constructor Failed To Execute" after installing 901FP3. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP3. (technote 1696682)
- JACE98S37Z (LO76425) - Fixes issue where when replying to a mail that includes a graphic image, "HTMLAPI Problem converting to HTML" error occurs.
- TCHL9SST8V (LO83505) - Fixes security issue in NSD (technote 1700029)
- TMAI8UAJH9 (LO69373) - Fixes issue where the "Date of Creation of a message in the mail database becomes out of sync with the date column in the inbox.
- +TSOE8KCJCP (LO63227) - Fixes issue where Fixup does not repair corrupt database with UNID index problems. This is a regression in 8.5.1.
- JMDK9MA6EJ (LO81366) - Fixes memory overwrite caused by Domino Server crash due to improper string length being returned
- FLII9P8DA5 (LO82067) - Fixes issue where the message: "Wrong password entered for old password" error incorrectly appears when the user tries to change the password from iNotes in particular configurations. This is a regression in 8.5.3. (technote 1692952)
- +MBOA9DDC3T (LO77864) - Fixed an issue where editing the subject of a message after Spell checking and choosing "Cancel Send" would result in the edits being ignored and sending the original subject. This is a regression in 9.0.
- HMUH9Q58GQ (LO82455) - Fixed an issue where the error message "A problem has occurred which may have caused the current operation to fail" displayed when opening a specific email message with Internet Explorer 10.
Notes Win32 CN59CEN
Notes Mac Mac
Notes Deb CN59EEN
Notes Rpm CN59DEN
Notes Browser Plugin CN59FEN
Domino Win32 CN59KEN
Domino Win64 CN59LEN
Domino LNX32 CN59MEN
Domino LNX64 CN59NEN
Domino AIX CN59PEN
Domino AIX64 CN59QEN
DominoOpenSocial Win32 CN3DAEN
DominoOpenSocial Win64 CN3DBEN
DominoOpenSocial LNX32 CN3DEEN
DominoOpenSocial LNX64 CN3DFEN
DominoOpenSocial AIX CN3DDEN
DominoOpenSocial AIX64 CN3DCEN
Screenshots prese dal blog di Matteo Bisi
1 Commenti:
io ho installato la FP4 su Mac ed il client va in crash molto spesso quando la connessione internet è lenta o difettosa.
Qualcuno ha riscontrato questo problema o similare ?