Interim Fixes per Domino 9.0.1 e 8.5.3 Fix Pack 6

interim fixes Domino 901 853

  • 1 commenti
Ieri sono stati rilasciati un paio di Interim Fixes per Domino e iNotes:

Il primo, per Domino 9.0.1, si trova qui e risolve una vulnarabilità DoS per IMAP oltre che alcuni problemini su iNotes con firefox che internet explorer:
Fix introduced
in release
KLYH9F4S2Z IBM Domino IMAP Server Denial of Service Vulnerability - CVE-2014-0822 (technote 1663023)
9.0.1 IF2
NKEY9DCQP8 iNotes error when using Firefox 26 Aurora - "A problem has occurred which may have caused the current operation to fail" (technote 1659371)
(iNotes client-side fix)
9.0.1 IF1
JFOR9CDSTY  Internet Explorer only: Opening drop-down lists during mail compose has a flash (text goes white, then shows again) in the message body area. (iNotes client-side fix)
9.0.1 IF1
HPXG9A4C36  Internet Explorer 11 on Win 8.1 preview: Always prompt to install IBM iNotes Control.(iNotes client-side fix)
9.0.1 IF1

e qui i pacchetti:
Platform Fix Central ID File name & Download link Additional Information
W32 iNotes_901IF2_W32

For iNotes clients:
  • dwa9W. cab should be placed in \domino\html
  • Forms9.nsf should be placed in \iNotes
W64 iNotes_901IF2_W64
AIX iNotes_901IF2_AIX
AIX64 iNotes_901IF2_AIX64 901IF2INotes_901HF198_AIX
Linux iNotes_901IF2_Linux
Linux64 iNotes_901IF2_Linux64 901IF2INotes_901HF195_Linux
IBMi 6.1 & 7.1 iNotes_901IF2_IBMi_6.1_7.1 QL604440.SAVF
zLinux64 iNotes_901IF2_zSeries ZX901IF2.tar.gz ZX901IF2.readme

Il secondo Interim Fix invece è per Domino 8.5.3 Fix Pack 6 e lo trovate qui, ed anche questo risolve la vulnerabilità IMAP:
Fix introduced
in release
KLYH9F4S2Z IBM Domino IMAP Server Denial of Service Vulnerability - CVE-2014-0822 (technote 1663023)
8.5.3 FP6 IF1

 e qui i pacchetti:
Platform Fix Central ID File name & Download link
W32 Domino_853FP6IF1_W32 853FP6HF104_W32.exe
W64 Domino_853FP6IF1_W64 853FP6HF103_W64.exe
AIX Domino_853FP6IF1_AIX 853FP6HF105-aix.tar
AIX64 Domino_853FP6IF1_AIX64 853FP6HF106-aix64.tar
Linux Domino_853FP6IF1_Linux 853FP6HF107-linux.tar
IBM i 5.4 DominoServer_853FP6IF1_IBMi_5.4 QL504442.SAVF
IBMi 6.1 & 7.1 Domino_853FP6IF1_IBMi_6.1_7.1 QL604437.SAVF
zSeries Domino_853FP6IF1_zSeries ZX853FP6IF1.tar.gz  ZX853FP6IF1.readme

1 Commenti:

  • #1 Enrico Scotti 02/06/2014 11:11:35 AM

    Grazie. Sempre puntuale!

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