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It was very nice to see so many customers at IBM Connect 2014 last week. The number one request I received was to do a follow up document to this that detailed how to combine Notes 9.0.1 and Sametime 9.0 so that the two could be deployed in a single step.
The following steps work best if run from a command prompt:
1. Create a work area on your drive.
You'll need potentially 2 gigs of free diskspace following these instructions. To continue with precedent I used C:\Combokit as my work area. You can create that area with the commands;
mkdir C:\Combokit
cd C:\Combokit
2. Obtain the Notes 9.0.1 and Sametime 9.0 install kits.
You want to get the Notes 9.0.1 client or Allclient kit and the Sametime 9.0 client Addon installer kit. This is step was the hardest for me as apparently I don't have a Passport Advantage account. I could have always copied the install kits from our internal build servers that seems like cheating. I ended up finding the kits on the "IBM Internal Software Downloads" site. (I'd love to provide links directly to the downloads on Passport Advantage so if anyone has them and wants to send them along I will update this post and give them proper credit. ) I downloaded them both to a subdirectory of my work area to C:\Combkit\webkits.
3. Unpack the kits.
The files you've downloaded are self-extracting executables. We need to manipulate the contents of these files so we need to extract the guts out. The best way to extract both these kits to to run them with the command line options "-p -e". So cd into the webkits directory and then run each kit with the command line "-p -e".
setup -p -e
The Notes webkit will display a dialog box like this:
Click the 2nd button and enter the path to your work area created in Step 1.
The webkit will extract to that location and then display a "Complete" dialog box. Click "Finish".
Next unpack the Sametime kit using the same command line "-p -e".
setup -p -e
The Sametime webkit will display a dialog like this:
Again click the 2nd radio button and enter the path to your work area as shown.
The webkit will extract to that location and then display a "Complete" dialog box. Click "Finish".
Now you have both the Notes kits and the Sametime kits expanded out and ready to be merged... after a couple more steps.
4. Fix up the Sametime kit.
The expanded Sametime kit needs a little massaging to get it ready. You need to rename the addon installer zip file to be updateSite.zip so that the UpdateSiteMgr utility can find it. You'll also need to rename the addon manifest as well. This can be done with three quick commands:
cd C:\Combokit\Sametime90
rename sametime.embedded.addon.win32.20130911-1333.zip updateSite.zip
rename deploy\install.addon.xml install.xml
5. Copy the required utility.
You'll need a special version of UpdateSiteMgr specifically for this procedure. The one that ships with Notes 9.0.1 won't quite work correctly for Sametime 9.0 so you'll need to download and save this file into the work area. UpdateSiteMgr.exe
6. Remove existing Sametime 8.5.2 components from Notes 9.0.1
Using the special version of UpdateSiteMgr, we'll next remove the old components of Sametime from the Notes install kit. The command is pretty simple:
cd c:\Combokit\Notes901
..\UpdateSiteMgr -r Sametime
If you get the "End Successfully and Exit" message then you are doing great. You've just created a Notes 9.0.1 install kit without any Sametime components. Please note this kit will install but will not run correctly. Several required Sametime components are missing at this point. You must add these components back in the next steps for this install kit to be usable.
7. Add the Sametime 9.0 components to the Notes 9.01 kit
Now we are ready for the magic. We've got a Sametime-less Notes 9.01 install kit and we've got a modified Sametime 9.0 addon installer that will be so happy when we merged them together. To do the merge we need to run the UpdateSiteMgr command again, this time giving it the source kit and the destination kit. You do this by these commands:
cd c:\Combokit\
UpdateSiteMrg Sametime90 Notes901
The UpdateSiteMgr tool will output lots of text as it marries the two products into a happy union. Once finished you should see a "Script complete, exiting smoothly" message:
8. Final cleanup
The new Notes9.01 + Sametime 9.01 combo kit you've created is almost ready to use. It does contain a backup of the original updateSite.zip that was first modified in step 6 that is taking up a fair bit of diskspace and isn't really needed anymore. You can clean this up with the command:
cd C:\Combokit
del Notes901\updateSite.zip.bak
Once that file is deleted you are now ready to do some test installs and play around with Sametime 9.01, and then package the install kit up as a self extracting executable using SUSetRunAsWizard and deploy it via SmartUpgrade. Enjoy!
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