Disponibile Interim Fix 3 per IBM Notes Traveler 9.0.1

traveler fix pack 9.0.1

  • 3 commenti
Dopo la recente IF2 di Dicembre eccovi un altro aggironamento scaricabile da qui della release 9.0.1 di traveler.
L'elenco delle fix introdotte è qui sotto riepilogato e come sempre a questa pagina
APAR # Component Abstract
LO77998 Server Read mark for Calendar invitation not synced from Mobile device to Notes Client.
LO78245 Server Temporary loss of event description on Mobile device when event modified on the device.
LO78248 Server Unnecessary error message displayed "Attempt to perform folder operation on non-folder item".
LO78299 Android Unable to reply to mail on Android device if recipient has Apostrophe in name.
LO78328 Server Renamed user may have device records left under old name in admin app.
LO78380 Server User sync gets stuck on mail with large embedded attachment, such as delivery failure or phone message.
LO78386 Server Unable to delete contact e-mail address from Notes or iNotes, value repopulated by mobile device.
LO78404 Server Timing window where Notes Traveler may not detect primary mail server marked as unavailable.
LO78416 Server BB devices may resync all data when not necessary.
LO78465 Server User may get incorrect error message when over quota.
LO78474 Server Security status update may be lost if the user is in process of being load balanced.
LO78503 Server Return receipt document may appear in the users sent folder.
LO78524 Server Modify repeating To Do on device and it may show as over due on the server.
LO78577 Server BB10 removes quotes from display name when replying to e-mail.
LO78628 Server Ensure plain text included when sending mail from mobile device.
LO78636 Server Attachments may be lost when reply to mail from a Windows device.
LO78667 Android Android vibrates on new mail when set for audio alert.
LO78692 Server Maintain time zone name if the offset is the same.
LO78700 Server Notes Traveler cleanup tell command may not complete.
LO78728 Server Unexpected draft document may appear after processing event on mobile device.
LO78734 Server To Do item may be archived sooner than expected.
LO78787 Server Session update or does not exist error in the console when syncing BB or Apple To Dos.

3 Commenti:

  • #1 Enrico Scotti 02/04/2014 10:43:10 AM

    Grazie Francesco!

  • #2 Francesco Bellesi 02/03/2014 8:01:06 PM

    Ciao Enrico, la IF3 è cumulativa, quindi puoi "saltare" dalla 1 alla 3, senza passare dalla 2...

  • #3 Enrico Scotti 02/03/2014 5:53:36 PM

    Qualcuno sa dirmi se devo installare prima la Interim Fix 2 e poi l 3?

    Vi ringrazio della cortesia

    Buona serata a tutti

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