disponibile IBM Notes Feature Pack 10 Interim Fix 2

release IF2 fp10 9.0.1 notes domino ibm ibmchampion

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Rilasciato ieri IBM Notes Feature Pack 10 Interim Fix 2 , secondo interim fix per il feature pack 10 !

questo l'elenco delle fix:
SPR Description
BEGOAVSJMT Fix the Designer Eclipse Panels that were affected in FP10
CCAYAVRNPK Fix the Domino Designer Console view
PPUEAVQ78S Fix the Widgets tab which no longer has the link to the Widget Catalog and Export
BEGOAVRFVA Fix the Widgets not opening in the sidebar
SKAIAVQDX5 Fix an issue where the subject line was encoded
CSMHASMP6N Fix an issue where a long URL will not open properly in Basic Notes while opening fine in Standard Client
PPUEAVP7HG Fixed a potential security vulnerability with the IBM Domino Diagnostics service.
PPUEAWC9KM Fixed a potential security vulnerability

Image:disponibile IBM Notes Feature Pack 10 Interim Fix 2

i pacchetti sono disponibili su fix central

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