Refresh Design da Lotus-Script


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Dalla versione 5.03 di Notes è possibile eseguire un refresh Design sfruttando le API Notes in LS....

Ecco il codice necessario preso in rete:
Declare Private Function W32_NSFDbOpen Lib "nnotes" Alias "NSFDbOpen" (Byval PathName As Lmbcs String, _
hDB As Integer) As Integer
Declare Private Function W32_DesignRefresh Lib "nnotes" Alias "DesignRefresh" _
(Byval ServerName As Lmbcs String, Byval hDB As Integer, Byval dwFlags As Long, _
Byval abortCheck As Integer, Byval messageProc As Integer) As Integer
Declare Private Function W32_NSFDbClose Lib "nnotes" Alias "NSFDbClose" (Byval hDB As Integer) As Integer

Sub Initialize
   Dim s As New notesSession
   Dim sourceDb As notesDatabase
   Dim refreshServer As String
   Dim destPath As String
   Dim rc As Integer
   Dim hDb As Integer
   Set sourceDb = s.getDatabase("", "")
   refreshServer = "" ' Note: use an empty string to signify "Local"
   On Error Resume Next
   If Not sourceDb.isOpen Then Call"", "") ' Make sure the source database exists
   If Not sourceDb.isOpen Then Set sourceDb = Nothing
   On Error Goto 0
   If Err <> 0 Then Set sourceDb = Nothing
   If sourceDb Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' ==== Exit if source db doesn't exist or couldn't be opened ====
   ' Build the API path to the file
   If sourceDb.server = "" Then
      destPath = sourceDb.filePath
      destPath = sourceDb.server & "!!" & sourceDb.filePath
   End If
   rc = W32_NSFDbOpen(destPath, hDb) ' Open the db in the API and get a handle to the open db
   If rc <> 0 Then ' Return Code zero on success, non-zero on failure
      Msgbox "Database Could Not Be Opened - Error Code " & Cstr(rc), 16, "Error"
      rc = W32_DesignRefresh(refreshServer, hDb, 0, 0, 0)
      If rc <> 0 Then
         Msgbox "Database Could Not Be Refreshed - Error Code " & Cstr(rc), 16, "Error"
      End If
      Call W32_NSFDbClose(hDb)
   End If
End Sub

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